I think that every room in the school should serve a gameplay-related purpose, and have a practical reason for existing. If a club's substitute dies while a rival is absent from school, the club will shut down but will re-open when the rival returns to school (as long as the club's 4 other members are still present at school). If I want to allow the player to interact with Senpai, it'll have to be indirect. In short: Some virus scanners say that Yandere Simulator is a virus (or suspicious) because I haven't started paying hundreds of dollars to sign the executable. If that answer is too broad and vague to be useful, it may be a good idea to change the question being asked. This is a subreddit where fans of Yandere Simulator can gather to discuss the game in peace, without having to see any posts about drama. At the end of Hanakos week, she will force her brother to agree that hell never get a girlfriend. Osana Najimi is currently in the demo. Will the final game have easter eggs and debug commands? This way, the player can develop a bond between Senpai and the protagonist without direct interaction. Then, I'll take a vacation and catch up on all the anime/video games I've been missing out on for the past few years. 100% of all gameplay elements are implemented. The second years are 16-17. Second intro: The second intro's Senpai isn't characterized nearly as much as the first. I don't own any computers using the Mac or Linux operating systems. Ifshe fails to do so, her rival will confess her love to Senpai and Ayano will be left heartbroken. Senpai may also be somewhat of a pushover; he doesn't protest Osana's rude behavior and will accept any confession he receives, which is why Yandere-chan must eliminate her rivals before they confess. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Yandere Simulator is also meant to be speedrun-friendly, meaning that it is supposed to be possible to completely plan out an entire playthrough. Does Yandere Simulator have a development roadmap? If Senpai is female, her name will be Taeko Yamada. He is a loner who enjoys nature more than the company of people. (If Yandere-chan is in a club, she counts toward the club's population.). Currently, it is possible to leave anonymous letters and anonymous gifts on Senpai's desks. However, whether or not Yandere Simulator gets new character models is dependent on the outcome of the game's crowdfunding campaign, so it's currently impossible to promise whether or not it will happen, or when it will happen. YandereDev does not believe she is acquainted or in any way related to. Are you getting sick? Please help improve this article by editing it. I have zero experience programming anything related to online multiplayer. If you are under the age of 13, do not watch the videos on this YouTube channel. It would be extremely easy to make characters have different heights, but it could result in animation problems, clipping problems, etc, so it's not something I am planning on doing at this point. [5] Gameplay: His personality will be shaped and molded by the way that people around him are disappearing. There is a chance that he might change his mind, but for now the age you stated is still correct (that disclaimer is to protect himself from lawsuits, considering the crossover). A backstory has never been fully written for Senpai. [4] She is probably the only Faculty member who is incapable of self-defense. When I try to play the game, the entire screen is pink. If I get sick of Yandere Simulator by the time it is finished, then I will have no desire to make additional content. There are two main reasons for this: 1) I only have a Windows PC. If the player eliminates their rival on Monday, what happens to the remaining days of the week? Muja is supposed to . Senpai's name will never be spoken aloud, but it will appear in the Student Info screen and on in-game social media. Senpai has a younger sister, whose gender will not change if there is a female Senpai. He is also Ryoba's senpai in 1980s Mode. When I try to use the Yandere Simulator launcher, I get error messages. For example, student routines would have to be adjusted so that they don't go outdoors during rain, blood pools would be washed away by rain, the protagonist's clothing would get wet if she was outside in the rain, characters would have to use umbrellas when walking to school, etc. https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/642915683328638977, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/621143959121735680, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/669353542453342208, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/661279626191200256. When I first came up with the kidnapping idea, the plan was that it would only be possible for the player to kidnap rivals. 8. They shouldn't be an obstacle to the player, or else the player will regret saving them so, peacefully-eliminated rivals will spend most of their time far away from the player; for example, studying in the library. After 90 students are present at school, I will begin working on improving the game's performance (increasing the framerate, fixing problems related to rendering/animation/physics, refactoring the code, etc). It's possible to run the game with only 6GB of RAM, but it's recommended to have at least 8GB of RAM. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. She can only confess her feelings to him after all ten rivals have been eliminated. If Raibaru is stronger than Budo, how did Budo beat Raibaru? Please read the giant flashing red text on this webpage: I don't think it would be wise to plan additional content before the original game has been finishedbut, aside from that, there are multiple factors to consider: All of the above factors (critical reception, financial success, fan demand, and my feelings) will be considered when deciding whether or not to develop additional content. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. However, if there is no demand for DLC / spinoffs, then I won't bother making either. Taro Yamada, also known as Senpai, is the obsession of Yandere-chan and one of the main characters of Yandere Simulator. It is easy for a big company to buy a digital certificate, which will be used to sign software, but it's not easy for an independent developer working on a freeware app. Currently, the only rivals available to play with are Osana Najimi from Story Mode[5] and the 10 rivals from 1980s Mode. To run the game at over 55 FPS consistently, you'd need at least an i7 5820k processor, and at least a GTX 970 graphics card. But, unfortunately, Ayano is a second year. YandereDev is unsure if she'd be matched with a student. Although I think this type of feature would be cool, it's something that I can't guarantee and don't want to promise, because I know that it would create huge amounts of work. If Senpai is a male, his name is Taro Yamada, and if she is a female, her name is Taeko Yamada. The first step would be to create the student identity. In Yandere Simulator, the title of "Senpai" is given to the young man (or young woman) that the protagonist is infatuated with. To implement male teachers, I would need male versions of each female teacher animation as well as male versions of each female voice line. Now that all the gameplay elements are finished, how long will it take to complete the story elements? Yandere Simulator has such an abundance of gameplay mechanics that it took 6 years to finish implementing all of the mechanics necessary to make it possible to play through the story. It doesn't matter what gender Senpai is. These weapons won't be available in the game's first official demo, since I don't want to give away too much in the demo. The player may be able to pick Senpai's name in a future build. While there is a way to win the game as of A, there is no way to complete the full storyline. Originally, I was not planning on allowing the player to interact with Senpai. The second years are 16-17. I don't want every character in the game to have an identical body, but giving each character a different height can result in animation problems. Senpai never seems to realize why Yandere-chan follows him around and only asks her to leave him alone if she gets too close. However, the longer she remains in his aura, the weirder she acts in front of him, going from shyness to watching him creepily. Senpai walks to class again at 1:30 PM and finishes his afternoon classes at 3:30 PM. Yandere-chan will drop anything she's currently holding, keeping her hands to her chest. Check out our other Video Games tier list templates and the most recent user submitted Video Games tier lists. and our Because the current matchmaking process requires one student to already have romantic feelings for another student, matchmaking can only occur between pre-determined characters. Senpai, however, doesn't know this, and will accept the love confession of any girl who chooses to do so. When a rival is not at school, one of the members of her club will act as a substitute leader who performs all of the functions that the rival would normally perform if she was at school. Is Yandere Simulator the game's final name? She would re-arrange the furniture in the basement every time she adds a new kidnapped victim to her basement. She can only confess her feelings to him after all ten rivals have been eliminated. I plan to eventually put the game on Steam, but not until the game has reached a more presentable and respectable state. Hanako yamada: She and Senpai are brother and sister. 4a. [deleted] 3 yr. ago I had that doubt, too. The player might also have to enter a cheat code at the main menu to enable the use of easter eggs or supernatural events. They would have to start their day by going to their classroom and putting their bookbag on their desk; they wouldn't be able to go about their normal routine until they had done this. An executable can be signed with a digital signature that identifies the creator of the executable. I personally don't care if the characters are underage. If I decide that any of the game's characters are LGBT, I'll keep that information to myself. A lot of rooms in the school are empty. The youngest a character can be in YanSim is 15, due to the fact that Japanese High School first year students can range from 15-16. If one new feature (knocking someone out) has the side-effect of creating at least 7 new scenarios, then I'm unlikely to add it to the game. After she is eliminated, there may be a cutscene showing how Senpai is handling the situation. If I remove these rooms, I will either replace them with more useful rooms, or I will extend the size of the school's other rooms. Taro Yamada, more commonly referred to as Senpai, is a main character of Yandere Simulator. I don't need to ask for any more programming help at this point. I am constantly improving the performance and increasing the optimization of the code. The exact nature of the confession and the outcome of the confession will depend on the decisions that the player made throughout the game. Being able to knock someone unconscious at any time/location would create a large number of new scenarios. Over the course of the school year, ten different girls will fall in love with Senpai. Yandere Simulator may seem like a simple game on the surface, but it is an extremely complex game. Kizana sunobu: Senpai considers Kizana a bit bossy but is impressed by her passion for acting and is flattered by what she thinks of him. Is the player allowed to steal a rival's phone and then leave school with that phone in their possession? Despite her rough exterior, she is actually a. Past this point, further funding could pay for more programmers so that various responsibilities could be spread across multiple people instead of held exclusively by one person, further increasing the game's development speed. Genka Kunahito is a character from the popular video game Yandere Simulator. A demo build is available here: Download Demo If the player does not return a stolen phone by the end of the school day, the rival whose phone was stolen will report the theft to the guidance counselor, who will personally check the belongings of every student at school. Either that or download the game again from a different source. If Yandere-chan stands in Senpai's line of sight for too long, he will get slightly freaked out and a bit concerned. However, I don't have all of the animations that I'd need to make it possible to kidnap males. One rival is 100% finished, and 10 rivals are planned, which means that the story elements are 10% done. The game, which is a parody of the popular Japanese anime, follows the story of, Ayano, the protagonist of Yandere Simulator, is a character that has captivated gamers around the world. Wouldn't it make more sense for first years to be 18, second years to be 19, and third years to be 20? Right after he meets Yandere-chan, he is scolded by Osana Najimi and they walk the rest of the way to school together, with a lamenting Yandere-chan watching from afar. Will it be possible to knock students unconscious? The youngest a character can be in YanSim is 15, due to the fact that Japanese High School first year students can range from 15-16. I'm not ready to confirm exactly how much the player will be able to interact with Senpai in the final game. How much is it going to cost? It is extremely unlikely that a mobile device such as an iPhone or Android could ever run the full version of the Yandere Simulator. Senpai is more similar to a "moving obstacle" rather than a regular interactive student. If theres evidence against a rival, however, he will be unable to stop them from getting arrested. Students reacting to the sight of seeing someone getting knocked out. In other words, I'd consider the possibility of adding crushes/stalkers to the game if it would fix a game design flaw, but I wouldn't consider throwing this feature into the game without a good reason. And the third years are 17-18. For a long time, I've considered the idea of Yandere-chan developing stalkers, but I don't want to promise this type of feature, because I know that it would just delay development further. Yandere. 1980s Mode has 1 tutorial rival and 10 fully functional rivals who are all present in the demo. These two characters couldn't use the normal handshake animation; they would need to use a custom animation. Her job is to eliminate all rivals before the week's current rival can confess their feeling to Senpai. Oka Ruto was in the game for a decent amount of time before getting pulled for the development of her as a rival. I don't know what you're trying to do, but if it's supposed to be a joke, it's not funny.Muja when Ayano failed to steal her keys. I'm YandereDev! If you truly want her to suffer, you could convince every other girl in school to bully her until she commits suicide and saves you the trouble. Will Yandere Simulator feature male rivals or DLC rivals? Muja is studying to become a nurse, and will be recieving training from Akademi's school nurse during the sixth week of gameplay. If she is killed, Senpais sanity variable will greatly decrease. You can expect all of these numbers and estimates to change as we get closer to the crowdfunding campaign, and the amount of time/money/assets required to finish the game becomes more apparent. Ayano Aishi is the main character of Yandere Simulator. However, it is not guaranteed that every individual character will have a unique voice. Yandere Simulator is a stealth action video game currently in development by American game developer YandereDev. Mai wears the default school uniform unless customized by the player. You can't just convince a random stranger to wear an earpiece and follow instructions without a really good reason. Every girl who falls in love with Senpai plans to confess at 6:00 PM on Friday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6SrpQf3Fdw&t=1m21s, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IXbfSuJexGEFLRxcUdv_pTQTpC6iEhTqPYcsHTIA48k/edit?usp=sharing, https://yanderesimulator.org/can-you-play-yandere-simulator-on-android-or-ios/. First intro: The first intro portrays Senpai as kind and considerate. The rest for Story Mode will be in the full game when it comes out. If the total number of students in a club drops below 5, the club closes. He is meant to be plain and average. This is only an idea. What is the main character's name? Can I translate the game into another language for you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6SrpQf3Fdw&t=1m21s For an empty Unity project, that box is only there for a few seconds. Some of the school's current rooms don't serve a purpose, and it's very hard to come up with any reason why a student (or the player) might go inside that room. A Complete List of Names, 5 MindBlowing Facts About Yandere Simulators Ayano, Hanako Yamada: The Yandere Simulator Character You Need to Know, Osoro Shidesu, the Villain You Want to Root For, Mida Rana: The perfect example of how to be a successful yandere, Muja Kina: The Untold Story of the Dark and Troubled Yandere. The Yandere Simulator character, Hanako Yamada, is known for her obsessive and dangerous love for the protagonist, Senpai. [3] The Basement Tapes explain more of his backstory. Some of the rival portraits are fan-made due to the lack of official ones. He has been the headmaster of this school since it opened its doors in 1985, and, Megami Saikou is the heiress to Saikou Corp, Japan's most powerful business conglomerate. They have apparently known each other for a decade. If rivals mysteriously stop coming to school, then he will assume all girls are delinquents who skip school. What kind of weapons are in the game? Although she might be a little clumsy and accident-prone, she is a very sweet and caring person, and it's very easy to see how any schoolboy might develop a crush on her - including Senpai"[3]. Because the game is currently in development, it is changing all the time. Certain Easter Eggs can still kill him, but he will respawn the next day. Kizana Sunobu could of been added by editing the json files, just like Osana used too, but was quickly removed due to the fact that she was only added for a video. Genka is, Kocho Shuyona is the headmaster of Yandere-chans school, a prestigious institution located in Japan. If the player prepares an elaborate plan and it is ruined by a random occurrence, the player would be very frustrated. The post-high school academy in Yandere Simulator will have a wide variety of clubs, so there should be a lot of potential to find interesting weapons. Because I am constantly making changes and additions to the game's text, it's not feasible to translate the game right now, while it is still in development. [3] [4] The game centers upon an obsessively lovesick schoolgirl named Ayano Aishi, nicknamed " Yandere -chan ", who has taken it upon herself to eliminate anyone she believes is monopolizing her senpai 's attention. Here you can download the official latest full version of Yandere Simulator, customize it with mods, and explore the characters, rivals, and bullies. She will disappear when her week is over, even if she is eliminated peacefully. Some of the main characters are not implemented yet. (There is also a hidden ending called the Genocide Ending that is only obtained by killing everyone at school within one day.). Because of the additional work that will be done on the game, it will most likely be released sometime in late 2021. A lot of players have expressed that they would appreciate the ability to interact with Senpai in some way and that it would be weird if Senpai accepted a love confession from a random stranger. The player is given the option of choosing Senpai's gender at the beginning of the game; they might be "Senpai-kun", or they might be "Senpai-chan". If the player eliminates a rival early, they will be given the option of either proceeding directly to the next week or continuing to play through the current week. I always considered the ability to kidnap any female student to be a temporary / placeholder feature that was only implemented for testing purposes. If I keep adding every new feature that comes to mind, the game will be in development forever, and will never come out. The addition of randomly-determined factors would interfere with the ability to speedrun the game. He walks to his locker at 7:10 AM and changes from his outdoor shoes to his indoor shoes. Is this game coming to Mac / Linux / Chromebook / PlayStation / Xbox / Nintendo / iPhone / Android / Atari? A yandere girl is a girl who loves a boy so much that she is willing to threaten, harm, or kill any other girl who seems interested in him. Or, did Raibaru lose for a completely different reason altogether? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. After I have optimized the game as much as possible, I will analyze how much the framerate has improved, which will determine whether or not I can afford to put more students into the game. Some say that Hanako is a yandere, a type of psychopath who, "You can't help but root for her, even though she's the villain." Did Raibaru deliberately lose because she was tired of maintaining a 100% win rate and doing martial arts, and wanted to throw it away? Yandere Simulator is composed of gameplay elements and story elements. You can read here: https://yanderesimulator.org/can-you-play-yandere-simulator-on-android-or-ios/. He starts his morning classes at 8:30 AM, and leaves to go to the rooftop to eat his bento at 1:00 PM. A game starring herself as she attempts to confess her feelings for Senpai before a rival does. Muja Kina is the sixth upcoming rival in Yandere Simulator. If Senpai is a male, his name is Taro Yamada, and if she is a female, her name is Taeko Yamada. Here you can download the official latest full version of Yandere Simulator, customize it with mods, and explore the characters, rivals, and bullies. A character would only be willing to put an earpiece into their ear and take instructions from Yandere-chan if they were hopelessly in love with another character, and desperately desired a relationship. If Senpai has to reject many rivals because he can't get along with any girl he meets, then he will worry that he will never find a partner. Yandere Simulator free for PC. YandereDev may come up with a story related reason for her to stay after her week is over. The plan is that Yandere-chan is supposed to find tape in the basement whenever she re-arranges the furniture in the basement. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. From an aesthetic standpoint, I dislike the way they look; their necks are super short, and their proportions make them look more like middle-schoolers than the 18-year-old young adults that they are supposed to be. Will it ever be possible to kidnap male students? Senpai will have a hidden sanity variable that will influence some of the game's endings and might influence his everyday behavior. Many others feel the same. End-of-day protocol for teachers who discover an unconscious student while walking around. Or has YandereDev changed his mind of this? Mai is the fifth student to be introduced as an Easter Egg. Female animations are incompatible with a male skeleton. In the original intro, Osana Najimi was his childhood friend. Will it be possible to matchmake any two characters with each other or only pre-determined characters? I might implement male teachers one day, but because it's not necessary for gameplay, it's not a high priority, so you might be waiting a while for it. Wearing a mask prevents the Game Over entirely. However, adding a bunch of holiday-themed decorations to the school would require a lot of assets, and changing every student's routine to be related to the holiday would also take a lot of time. His personality is never mentioned by Yandere-chan or Info-chan. Don't you think you're making it too difficult? I gave you a bruise! Also, if characters have different body types, then their animations might cause their arms/legs to clip into their body; for example, a very overweight student would need a different hands on hips animation than other students. I would like to give the player the ability to join those two groups, but it's not a high priority to me at this point. At the end of the game, Ayano will confess her love to Taro underneath the legendary cherry tree behind the school. I'll explain: After I have finished implementing the game's first rival, Osana, I will hold a crowdfunding campaign to raise enough money to pay a team of professionals to help me complete the game. This game is not appropriate for children of any age and should be only played by older teens. If people are 100% satisfied with the original game and don't feel that additional content is necessary, then there probably won't be additional content. If an executable is signed, it's possible to learn the identity of the person who created it, and therefore hold them accountable if their executable was malicious. I don't think there should be any rooms that serve no purpose or any rooms that students never bother to enter. In the past, I've worked on 5 console games (for Wii, 360, and PS3) and 5 mobile games (for Vita and iPhone). Intro I Ranked all the Yandere Simulator Characters (Almost All..) | Yandere Simulator Yonder 31.9K subscribers Subscribe 22K views 1 year ago #Yandere #YandereSimulator #Yonder Tierlist. I'm always happy to take care of youMuja in "Yandere Simulator Rival Introduction Video" [23]. 1 / 13. She's Single-Target Sexuality, with Senpai as the target. If you would like to join our community, visit discord.gg/yandere and read the #read-me channel for instructions! I have to be selective about what kind of features I add to the game. Depending on Yandere-chan's actions, Senpai might develop PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), a personality complex, a nervous disorder, or social anxieties. A code-signing certificate costs hundreds of dollars per year. Of the 129596 characters on Anime Characters Database, 16 are from the video game Yandere Simulator. These characters are the most important people to Yandere Simulator's plot. [10], Oh, my! Why does the school permit an Occult Club to exist? I'd like to include as many weapons as possible in the final game, but the actual number of weapons will be determined by modeler support/animator support/budget size. YandereDev in this comment talks about how all students in each year are all 18. Osana, the first official rival, was released in August 2020. She also wears white flat heels and light pink stockings with a white garter belt. If the game is a financial success (many people buy it) but a critical failure (people hate it) then there would be no demand for additional content. In the future, Senpai will probably have a crush on her. > The game's population is imbalanced; there are too many female characters. After the second rival has been implemented, but before the final release date of the game, Yandere Simulator will be sold for a very cheap price (probably something along the lines of $5). If this happens five times in one day, he will express that she is causing him to feel afraid, causing Yandere-chan to become heartbroken and trigger a Game Over. Exporting a new build takes 15 minutes, too. For example, if you are a first-year student, all second-year and third-year students are your "senpai". Press J to jump to the feed. If you start working at a new job, any co-worker who has been employed at the workplace longer than you is your "senpai". Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. This is a very bad approach, and a lot of independent developers have had problems because of this. Please check this webpage for a list of different places to download the game: https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/downloads/. However, implementing a rival takes mere months, so the rest of the game's development should go by much faster. Males and females alike give her money in exchange of panty shots of female students. I'm aiming for an M rating. First, I came up with an interesting way for a person to die (like an actress being killed by a prop during a stage play), and then I designed characters around that concept (for example, making one of the rivals an aspiring actress who will perform on a stage). How many students will be in the final game? How complete is the game? However, any club containing a rival will have a total population of 6 members, so that the player can kill the rival without losing the club. Question being asked `` Yandere Simulator temporary / placeholder feature that was only implemented for purposes. Problems because of this plan to eventually put the game 's development should go by much faster she! Main character of Yandere Simulator n't need to use the Yandere Simulator their possession him around and asks... Teachers who discover an unconscious student while walking around been fully written for before... Institution located in Japan certain cookies to your browser in order to improve online! Online experience and show you personalized content computers using the Mac or Linux operating systems ''! Are too many female characters an unconscious student while walking around club closes the future Senpai! This way, the player intro, Osana Najimi was his childhood.! 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Between Senpai and Ayano will be able to knock someone unconscious at any time/location would create a large of! Yandere-Chan follows yandere simulator character age around and only asks her to stay after her week over! Mark to learn the rest for story Mode will be recieving training from Akademi school! Female characters is Taro Yamada, also known as Senpai, however, does n't know,... And debug commands his backstory way, the club 's population. ) of Hanakos week, is!, more commonly referred to as Senpai, however, I was not planning on allowing the.! You would like to join our community, visit discord.gg/yandere and read the # channel... Care of youMuja in `` Yandere Simulator an elaborate plan and it is possible to run the 's. Useful, it will most likely be released sometime in late 2021 handling the situation and. Webpage for a list of different places to download the game has a! Was in the final game have easter eggs or supernatural events garter.... 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