Im not sure how he got there, if he drove a car, or if so, where he parked it. They had no history of behavior indicative of disregarding or disrespecting their parents/guardians by running off to a friends house just to show up later. Do you know why FSG was there at the trails; how long hed been there; how he got there; if he drove, what sort of car he drove and where he parked it. Person of Interest is a much higher standard than unnamed suspect, and he hasnt even risen to that level yet. No, he came up with the lost my keys gambit to explain why his car sat at the cemetery from 6:30 PM the day of the crime to 12:30 PM the next day when the girls bodies were found, a period of 18 full hours. LE has already looked into him quite a bit, and I assume hes cleared. Im nothing at all like how they describe me. Yes, this man is the prime suspect at the moment, but that doesnt mean a whole lot. Also its very hot here and all I feel like doing is sleeping all the time. Deer kit on waist with five hunting knives. Libbys phone did not record him for 43 seconds. Carter added the probable cause affidavit. RL couldnt have done it because he was violating the terms of his probation and was caught on camera drinking in a pizza parlor. Theres just journalists. Twice in the the Evansdale Murders, LE thought they were certain that they had the right man. Say for instance LE arrested Mr. X and charged him with the double homicides of these two girls. There was posing. Fondled similarly to Libby. Why would we do that? It finally started to sink in to these geniuses when the case was made look one of the eye witnesses who contributed to the 1st BG sketch is a lady who lives right behind Ron Logan, dont you think if the Killer was Ron that she would say, simply yeah the guy I saw that day lives right behind me? Not that anyone who has half a brain needs to be convinced Ron Logan is not the killer lol. We believe that this happened in the first place because a photo exists of a truck being towed from the CPS building around February 14. The rumor that there was a spent cartridge at the scene is therefore confirmed. 14) For more, see video, though this is the gist of it. Robert Lindsay is the leader of a sleuthing group that presently has ~230 paid members. This lines up nicely with Leigh Kerrs testimony where he said that BG used binoculars in this crime. Highly functioning drunk; its the only way he can appear normal. Others close to the victims, who I will not name, have channeled their grief into rage and lashing out at everyone around them. Employed at two factories in nearby towns as a machine operator in recent years. Relationship with younger daughter: Excellent, she is very fond of him. They werent that close. How about getting your moneys worth? This may extend to age 15. Lets hope they find some peace. Where did he get the food and what was the food? Authorities are now looking if he could be connected to the 2017 killings of two teenagers, known as the Delphi murders. You say that you dont even have a suspect, and youre waiting on that one tip to come in, but youre worried about double jeopardy? IMHO there is a main suspect, and I dont really care if everyone is pointing elsewhere. Also note that LE are now acting like they think the young catfish did the crime, not the older BG. The girls would have also been subject to hypothermia?? Not sure why that is. Not because theres any evidence that they were lookouts, but more because everyone in that situation at the time of the murders is being looked at that way. LE doesnt like being lied to, especially when they are investigating a double homicide. But answer me this. No ones been hurt by this case more than Becky Patty. He uses all kinds of weird aliases. Hello, i live in cedar rapids , ia. There was an early raid on the Indiana Packers plant in Delphi that was done by LE. I have joined the group on face book #Delphi Murders. I still have the pic. She has been featured in Psychic Investigators, Paranormal Witness, and interviewed by Nancy Grace! And Mr. X or BG is the one who used that catfish to bring Libby in. Im really worried about people bothering or harming this guy and his family. Is there a place on your site where you can pay/register? Anyway, even if there was PIV sex, the victim would have died soon after the sex and the tiniest speck of a fetus, the size of a pencil dot on a sheet of paper, along with it. Thank u. We do not have a copy of that gag order, but we were told that one had been issued by the courts. If he is wearing Indiana Packers workboots, this solves one more question. Also, the props were put at the scene later too, perhaps after the girls were killed. There is no doubt in my mind or anyone who is in possession of an IQ higher than double digit range that Ron Logan is not the killer. Yes, the police have told us that they now think that Bridge Guy or Mr. X did Evansdale too. Consequently, the accuracy of our statements should go up a lot too. Im limited in my sleuthing skills. Cookie Notice Allen, who has entered . Then come email me and I will send you a link to the private group and a password to get you in. LE blew off their concerns and called off the search, citing safety concerns for the searchers but seemingly had little of the same concerns for the missing teens who could have been severely hurt and unable to help themselves, just waiting for someone in LE to find them that night. One thing I always have to remind myself of is that LE is allowed to lie to the public. I am trying to be vague. It says they are looking for photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, film, etc. Kelsi German has been cleared. They have most recently stated that they want to avoid double jeopardy. Hes a greedy businessman with dollar signs in fluttering eyes that sound like clanging cash registers every time he blinks. Nevertheless, as you can see above, three things that we spotted in the crime scene photos have been verified by independent sources in the search party, so the fact that these are crime scene photos is now proven. I do not feel comfortable answering that question right now. I am going to bet dollars to donuts there will be a person arrested February 13th, 2022. He killed at least five people, specializing in young women. The girl could well have been his high school freshman girlfriend. A number of strange objects were found around the Evansdale girls similar to the bizarre images decorating the Delphi crime scene. I was never aware that anyone had any good evidence against this harmless-looking fellow. I like some of these guys. It is on the girls cellphones, but if you listen to it, you will just hear a bunch of unintelligible garble. Marital status: Married, rocky and tumultuous marriage with breakups where they go live on their own and later get back together. Always. This goes on all the time, however. Will be posted by Saturday, March 11th. I wish I could delete this comment because it made no sense. It was all over by 3:30 sure takes a lot of the heat off of LE for calling off that search, amirite? Idle speculation at its finest. There is evidence that may have worked at a Tyson packing plant in Logansport in 2011-2012. Are you speculating? They dont say where they collected it from, but thats an important question. So hes a murderer. I see hot, humid conditions. Chemicals used in an attempt to hide fingerprints. If so, where and when? Your critiques are not even making sense. Long, 22 pages. I read through it early on, saw interesting stuff and then later came back and tried to find the interesting stuff but got lost. In addition, note that he abducted two girls on the 13th, 2-13. Here's what we've learned and what remains unclear: Of course Ron Logan didnt do it. White scarf covering the lower half of his face. For one, its a gross violation of journalistic ethics, and I was trained to be a journalist I have a BA in Journalism and worked as an editor of a large magazine, among other things. Email: Sorry, Ive been a bit down lately. Police questioned Kegan Kline about the incident during an Aug. 19, 2020, interview at the Indiana State . He is not connected to this case in any way, but he helped provide context into how police connected a bullet found at the murder scene to the suspect in this case. Tony Kline is 65, 310 pounds! Actually there are four suspects in this case and we are not naming any of them. But we have said many of the same things, which may be confirmation of my visions in a way. The gun is a rare collectors item, possibly a .40mm. Unverified. It's been five years since the Delphi murders shook an Indiana town, and family says they're still holding out hope that the case will be solved. Correct. Been following your blog from the start, and this is so close to what I have been feeling for a while now. 43 sec is probably the time they have of the man on the girls phone recording. There is no way he would come back later to stage anything because he wouldnt know how safe it was or how many law enforcement would be around. BG himself is both the catfish young man and the older man who is the actual killer, so he is both sketches at once, obviously. How do I do this? I thought nobody looked like the BG in the actual video than PB (especially compared to that FB image with a deer)But now, not a chanceKirts fits that mofo better than allIts in the cheeks, the spit, etcThe cops have known for a while its him too I think. The fact that the mere mention of FSG as anything more than a helpful old man out for a daily stroll is met with such hostility well, that raises all sorts of red flags with me even if the vitriol is coming from true crime enthusiasts on Reddit. They showed the boots in an evidence bag to the media later on that night, and they said, Oh, this is nothing. We now have search party members who saw the crime scene; official case documents; the testimony of Leigh Kerr, a man who claims to have seen official case documents; accurate crime scene photos; and the best LE sources we have ever had. Recently moved to a small city nearby, possibly due to the heat of being a suspect in the crime. That can only mean one thing. We have 250 members in our group. He could have gone home, but for some reason he stayed with his truck. $20/lifetime membership. 2 people did the actual murders and a woman behind the initial plan. I want you to know that your comment is no longer there. This was a sex crime, a sex homicide. Privacy Policy. As you can see, the numbers are the same. Relationship with older daughter and stepson: Unknown. Literally anyone can be a journalist. Give it a rest, everyone. Maybe he sent it to Libbys phone. They told us that Kegan Kline was not involved. If so, wouldnt the coroner be able to obtain DNA from the fetus? By Freyja Catton. Suspect in Delphi Snapchat Murders [Wanted Poster] By: Christine Colby Related To: Abductions. It was dusty and disheveled. Was present when the Evansdale Murders occurred. Is Mr X part of any of the local groups working on promoting the trail system? Important friendships: Very casual friend of Mike Patty, father of one of the girl victims. This implies that the girls were returned to the scene later. Deer kits have five knives, so we assume this one does too. The rest are guardians. Find these clothes, they will be what solves this! Some insist that this is merely a coincidence, but apparently LE do not think it is coincidental. Mr. X was a senior in high school at the time. In the first four years, two LE officers only affirmed one rumor each. That would mean he would have had to drive back to Delphi by at least 3:45 and possibly later, depending on what town he was in and when he left. Just thought I would draw your attention to it. So every time a kid gets killed in a sexual murder, LE goes looking for photos and videos of the murder because obviously everyone who kills a kid takes pics of it and videotapes it. Three people were shot and now recovering after a shooting in Philadelphia. Most of the rest are not bad people, but they are showboats, loudmouths, and boasters with egos the size of small planets. He currently resides in prison for videotaping himself having sex with a 15 year old. I just like to take this opportunity to thank the Mods in making this subreddit Delphimurders readable again and to the posters who post informative, well thought out COMMENTS. Although no arrests have been made in the case, the transcripts detail information that puts the case back in the national spotlight. There are cases like this all over the country. Via LE Source A, we learned that LE has only recently started to believe that BG (Mr. X) is also responsible for the Evansdale Murders. DELPHI, Ind. FORT WAYNE, Ind. That would have been quite a problem. Delphi Murders: 5 Years Later, Victim's Sister Clinging to Hope That Killer Will Be Caught Kline allegedly told police it was a "coincidence that I happened to talk to her," according to the . Theyre Delphi related videos comparing his appearance to BG. We also have at least one other search warrant for another home. Better to let your officers go home for a few hours so theyd be ready for work the next morning. The only way they could know this is if the rumors about BG sending photos or video of the crime to Abbys phone after the crime occurred are true. Novella Nedeff, a clinical associate professor at Indiana University's McKinney School of Law, said sealing court records after a defendant is in custody is unprecedented to her, and speculated. Also we dont know what they interrogated Ron about either. Mr Xs alibi is it true that the person who is now deceased is a police officer who committed suicide? One seems to be PNB and the other is RRB. 1950 brazil world cup tragedy. I didnt remove it. The family knew something was wrong. Interestingly, I had NO idea who you were (sorry). If so, this proves that this crime was planned nearly down to the minute. Please email if you do not want to reply here. We dont do that on here and never have. "Abby" Williams, 13, and Liberty Rose Lynn "Libby" German, 14, according to Indiana State Police . There is a small fee of $20 to join, which includes lifetime membership. Currently Awaiting Trial. They have their own sources. and our I happen to think he probably did it, but what do I know? Im not sure about that, but its an interesting idea! Children: Two daughters, one ~22, another ~30. Not only that, but Mr. Xs alibi is that he was in another town from 2:15-3:15 PM on the day of the crime. Updated: 7:18 PM EST December 20, 2021. To be fair, two other men were also searching Rons land that night and they didnt find anything either, so it looks like those girls were pretty hard to miss. Not sure of the significance here. We also do not know why out of all of the places to search, he happened to pick the exact location where the girls were killed. LE thinks he stashed his phone at the CPS building during the murders. and that you think he already knew that they would be there.. FSG has been someone that I cannot let go of either. A police chief in Martinez accused the man of committing these crimes, and the man sued the city and won $50,000. Meanwhile, detectives continue to ask anyone who may have had contact with the screen name anthony_shots to contact law enforcement atabbyandlibbytip@cacoshrf.comor 765-822-3535. Wait so the part about him recording the crime is some search warrant given to someone where the cops wanted to check media files. This is a rumor that a woman walking her dogs on the bridge at 12:30 PM on the day of the murders, a full hour before BG probably appeared on the trails at 1:30 PM, saw a man who looked like the Young BG sketch. Information can be reported anonymously; however, the Indiana State Police, the FBI, and the Carroll County Sheriff's Department have announced a reward for information leading to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for the homicides of Liberty German and Abigail . Cause of death of one girl was a deep cut to the throat. However, I do not know how to contact you Sir. It is sad to think of unsolved murders like Linda Welby, Flora girls and Abby and Libby. How would she be a few weeks pregnant by a guy that just raped her? For whatever reason, she confuses facts all the time and cant keep her stories straight. Also we have excellent sources inside the police with officers who are very close to the investigation., The man who owns the document is not happy with us going public with these docs. Let us know if you want to join the private sleuthing site where we can talk about this stuff in much greater detail than we do out here. Senior high school: First years unknown but graduated from Delphi High School in 1984-85. I find your blog very interesting. Phallic objects, specifically a log and a doll, placed next and perpendicular to the genitals of the girls to give the impression that they were being sexually penetrated by these objects. But the police are having a very hard time gathering enough evidence against this man to take it to court. Resident of Delphi in 1984-85 at minimum. We have your fingerprints on the counter.. This GPS device showed that his phone had been at the CPS building from 12-5 on the day of the murders. free prodigy epic codes generator; japanese clear soup health benefits; john deere gator snow blower; my daughter finds fault with everything i do. These idiot cops. Im not sure if pregnancy can be confirmed via autopsy before 6 weeks. I cannot remember which girl had taken the photo of the man on the bridge with her cell phone, but I had read somewhere that on that cell phone there was audio of her saying something about a weird man approaching them and that is why she took the photo. Garrett Kirts: Local man, all around run of the mill bad person. No, the other girl was also having sex with males and she also had a boyfriend. In these cases, we have 4-5 separate sources, usually vaguely referred to as inside sources, testifying to the truth of something. Good ones and bad ones, perhaps, but theres no such thing as legitimate versus illegitimate. BG is a 50 year old man. This is a community where we can speak openly about the murders of Libby and Abby while searching for justice. We have an LE source, a detective in Indiana, who told us just that. Richard Allen, 50, of Delphi has been charged with two counts of murder in the deaths of Abigail J. No one knows if they talked to Ron about Mr. X. I doubt it because Ron keeps saying the killer is this Garrett Kirts, and its not him. Before the shooting, police believe a silver . Every firearm will leave all sorts of markings on the bullets that you put into that weapon, Goodpaster said. Hes a straight man with a wife, but maybe hes wimpy like a lot of straight men are. LE doesnt have much in the way of good, solid evidence against Mr. X. Im curious if Mr X knew KAK or his father? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Apparently neither girl was a virgin and both girls were sexually active in terms of PIV sex. Items known to be carried or worn by BG at the time of crime: Loaded handgun in right jacket pocket, type unknown, possibly a rare .40mm collectors item. He stayed to guard his truck. We dont know why he asked permission to search Ron Logans land at 6:30 PM, but this is also a huge red flag because he asked to search the land a full half hour before the fire department had even announced the formation of a search team. The fact that I believe LE has been busy trying to cover up the mistakes they made early on leads me to believe that they inadvertently helped BG get away with this horrendous crime and continue to do so by withholding almost every piece of information possible from the public, while at the same time begging for that one tip they need to make an arrest. He was living in the Evansdale area at the time. They dont risk their careers to talk to bloggers. Is there any way on Earth that BG could look like the young man in that sketch or even an 18-40 year old? I noticed your nice comment on my YouTube page, thank you so much for your reply! We have no idea why the order was issued. However, Goodpaster says any additional forensic analysis could be the key to solving the murders. Something to think about. I am going to bet dollars to donuts there will be a person arrested February 13th 2022! Nicely with Leigh Kerrs testimony where he said that BG could look like young... 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