His parents couldnt find him because they were 20 miles away. According to official statistics, in the US alone 2,300 people go missing every day. His body is supposedly buried in the woods somewhere in one of the Dakotas.. As has been asked so many times in this case- why? For me to believe the parents were not involved in this, a lot of evidence would need to point me away from them, and simply not enough evidence, to my knowledge, exist either way to convict or prove innocent. I dont live in the area (or in the states) but after looking on google maps, about where his car was found (Lyon Lincoln road, Porter/Taunton highw 68). A number of other theories have been considered, including the idea that Brandon might have hidden in an abandoned structure to escape the cold and then succumbed to hypothermia, or that he was attacked by an animal and taken away. In the messages he says (grammar and typing mistakes and all) Like Some crazy shit is going on. Then he suddenly exclaimed Oh shit!, and the line went dead, with numerous attempts to call him back remaining unanswered. Brandon Victor Swanson was last seen on May 15th 2008 in Canby Minnesota. Brandon Swanson, a 22-year-old marketing consultant from the US, has been missing since early January. Homes? Let's take the case of Brandon Swanson. During all of this, Kyle and Audrey had dutifully retrieved the gas canister and were going to deliver it when they found Brandons abandoned truck. December 11, 2014 angelomarcos crime, mystery, true crime. since that phone is not touch screen, it would be VERY EASY to end the call after snatching the phone from him. The phone wasnt shut off however, as the father also said the phone continued to ring when he tried calling back. I pretty sure Brandons alive and well. As you say, it wouldnt explain the phone call, but it might explain the lack of evidence. It took effect almost two months later on July 1 st . The most popular theory among authorities is that Brandon fell into the river. His parents were unable to find him, so Swanson said he was going to walk to the nearby town of Lynd, Minnesota, where he could see lights. He hid in some out of the way place/makeshift shelter that became his final resting place by accident. He called his Dad at 1230 and said he was walking towards a lit town (Which he thought was lynd). Thats interesting what you say about rumours, as I have previously wondered how much of the information online is actually true and how much is exaggerated/media interpretation. Thanks for taking the time to comment Robbie. The accident probably scared him and sobered him up. Maybe it meant that they got a Phone Call 91 Days before the Body was Found. If for instance he did hide in a structure, then surely it wouldve been found by now? Sorry for my English. But I think it was probably more of a oh sh-t! something completely unexpected has just happened. Nothing. He sounded out of breath and said he was out in a field bleeding, and as a police car pulled up he could be heard to say One time, run! If he hung up, that says a lot. Her saying that is huge. After getting to the location which he had described, they started flashing the cars headlights so that Brandon could start walking towards them. What I find interesting is that the parents say the mom was dropped off and that the dad continued the search, still on the phone trying to find him. Brandon Lawson, 26, vanished along a desolate stretch of State Highway 277 outside of San Angelo, Texas which is about 250 mile southwest of Dallas on Aug. 9, 2013, according to the San Angelo Standard-Times.On Friday, those closest to Lawson announced that a private team of . then yea he was kidnapped, murdered, disposed of in who knows what way. Or for that matter his parents couldve taken upon themselves to contact his carrier and start a trace/ping on his phone. He said that he knew which direction to head in as he could see what looked like the lights of a town. Why did he crash, that to me is the greatest mystery. Did someone else move the car to the area it was found at? I think its pretty obvious to say that someone took Brandon back to their farm and harmed him and maybe buried him somewhere out in the field where he may never be found I dont mean to sound so morbid but we all know that people do this in rural areas when its not very safe, especially driving alone at night and not knowing where youre at after a wreck. Would love to see what the police unofficially thought happened. The Strange DISAPPEARANCE of Brandon Swanson- Missing Persons Mysteries. Around 91% of all cases are closed within 48 hours, and 99% of cases are solved . Aleister Crowley. My first thought when I heard the initial story was that he was walking toward lights and then said, Oh Shit, I thought it was aliens/extra-terrestrials. Follow Books from this. . You can subscribe below to get the latest blog posts delivered straight to your inbox. An extensive search of the area turned up no sign of him. Someone here mentioned those pig farms, so On the theory that Brandon might have drowned, boats from the state's Department of Natural Resources were deployed along the river, and gates were installed. A lot of the land in the area is privately owned farmland, so the area itself is pretty flat and not anything like woodland/forest terrain.Search dogsOne of the main theories law enforcement subscribed to in the disappearance of Brandon Swanson was that he had accidentally fallen into a body of water and subsequently drowned. This story is so sad . If you believe you have important information regarding Brandon Swansons disappearance or his whereabouts, I urge you to contact Lincoln Countys Sheriffs Department on (507) 694-1664. His parents said that they couldnt anything either. he disappears May 14, 2008 and is found March 15, 2015. Rural. One of the Strangest Mysteries in the History of NASA: Conspiracy or Complete Garbage? The circumstances of Brandon Swanson's disappearance remain unclear and his case is currently classified as missing. He wasn't injured in the crash. I dont think its that odd. It would be even worse out in the middle of nowhere where there are no lights, it is literally black all around when you are out in the area where he was. My bet is that an intoxicated/somewhat drugged Brandon stumbled into water and drowned. The series of events leading to his disappearance near Bronte, Texas, appeared wholly contradictory. Swanson had just completed a year-long technical school programme in wind energy. I think that the only logical conclusion is foul play. There are people on this earth that hang out near highway backroads hiding, with nothing more to do but ruin someone elses day etc. Swanson's case remains unsolved. The law . Was he with this friend he was celebrating with when the car went off the road ? Or maybe there is a single cause of all this that we just dont know about yet? Hes in the middle of nowhere, sees some lights, which he thought was the town, walks toward it and then realizes its not what he thought it was. Maybe his Phone, or Someone else called the parents saying Something worrying. I havent heard of David Paulides before, but will take a look at his writing. A massive search of the area would find his car keys in some brush around 25 feet away from the car, as well as a baseball cap and a torn, bloodstained t-shirt believed to have possibly belonged to Matthew, but that is it. I would imagine that they wouldve attempted that. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Read Content. The law took effect in Minnesota in the July of 2009, whilst four other states have also passed laws similar in nature. They called Brandon and asked him to explain where he was, but even when they arrived at where he claimed to be they were unable to locate him, even after they both unsuccessfully tried flashing their headlights in order to try and hone in on each others locations. Why doesnt he know the area better he grew up there? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Pingback: #41 Strange Disappearances | Weird Tales and the Unexplainable, Pingback: Heres The 51 Creepiest Mysteries That Remain Unsolved To This Very Day | Viral Hot Topics, Pingback: Heres The 51 Creepiest Mysteries That Remain Unsolved To This Very Day - Weight Loss Diet 2 Fitness. If he really dropped it, I feel like it would have been found, especially with how crazy the search was. A search was launched involving hundreds of people and trained dogs, which would go on for around 4 months meticulously going through a 100 square mile area without finding the missing man or even any trace whatsoever of where he had gone. Till this day: Are there any farmers ore civillians who has been interrogated by the FBI or local police?? Brandon was last seen on May 14, 2008 leaving a friend's house. He had made arrangements to transfer to Iowa Western Community College in Council Bluffs in August 2008. Kyle then called Ladessa to and asked her to leave out a can of gas for him to come and pick up, which he went to do at around 12:45 with his own girlfriend, Audrey. Shortly after 2:00 a.m., Swanson suddenly swore and the call ended abruptly. On some occasions, these people who have stepped off the face of the earth have reached out one last time to make contact with those they knew and leave chilling messages that possibly hold clues buried within them, but which have never been figured out. There is NO WAY he can defend himself from an attack with that height and body weight. I heard the story about 5 years ago. The simple solutions are usually the right solutions. If something dangerous was imminent, it seems unlikely that Brandon would actually hang up the phone. 1.54 am Swanson called his parents, Annette and Brian Swanson, and told them that hed got his car stuck in a ditch, he was uninjured and asked could they pick him up, which they agreed to. 4) Despite the area in question being very flat, open and crossed only by shallow rivers, a body has never been found after several extensive searches. He is the last and only person to hear from and talk with his son until he disappeared into thin air. 1.The disappearance of Brandon Swanson. We know that the phone call kept going until eventually Annette and Brian hung up to try to call Brandon back, would the sound of running water not have been picked up on the call, or the sound of something falling into the water? These theories have major flaws, however; if a person has time to register danger, swear down the phone and then end a phone call, surely they would have time to get out of the way of an oncoming vehicle? As stated above, Swansons phone records showed he was 25 miles away from where hed told his parents he thought he was. On the subject of the phone call, a huge question here is why the phone call was ended. From what Ive read there hasnt been any link made between the smiley face murders and Brandon Swanson, although its possible that this is something that is being investigated. Once the snow of winter had melted, search efforts resumed again over spring before farmers planted their crops. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). The oh, shit makes you belive he was taken by surprise or a sudden realization struck him. It would be tragic if that is what happened of course, but at this point theres not much evidence either way. He has not been seen or heard from since this incident. Everything I say is a guess, of course, but in May in Minnesota, that river was probably freezing. An answer might be that Brandon dropped the phone, causing the battery to fall out and so ending the call that way. At time of writing six years later there is still no evidence or even a trace indicating what happened. Yet more theories are that Brandon was either hit by a car or picked up by an apparently helpful driver who turned out to have a malicious intent. He added, I think time favors the search, Hasse said. I just to talk while i have the chance. After this there is no response to further panicked messages from Melissa asking if he is alright and where he is. Luc Picard, David La Haye, Sandrine Bisson. Just before the Oh Shit, Brandon said Not another fence, his Dad heard him climb a fence then seconds Oh Shit the sound of him slipping on rocks was at the same time. He's described as being six feet tall with brown hair and hazel eyes. Then, he suddenly vanished without a trace. 6.30 am Brian and Annette Swanson attempted to report Brandon as missing to local law enforcement but were advised to wait as this type of behaviour was not unusual for young men. @Scott..I have to agree with you..If Brandons parents were out looking for their son..Why would the mother want to stop and go home and the father having to turn around and go back out looking again?, especially since he wasnt supposed to be that far from home..Perhaps dad was taking mom home after she had left Brandens car on the side of the road..The cell phone info from Brandons phone would put you in a location of where he was that night..And dads cellphone would also tell you were he was that night..This is a great tool for investigators now..Dads story just makes no sense..Far to many holes in it..And nothing really said about anything.. Personally I wouldnt really buy that as an explanation without some kind of (very strong and very convincing!) However what are the odds, of the phone being fully charged when he had left? Thanks for your comment. His father dropped Brandons mother back at home, then began driving again to find his son. Because his father taught hearing a footstep slipping away. Its difficult to know I guess, as Im sure theres a lot of information that the police arent able to disclose. Facebook gives people the power. So, maybe they cant look everywhere? what if someone was walking likea hitchhiker or someone was also pulled over with their car off and he didnt notice them and when brandon flashed his lights to see if his parents could see him. His father spent several hours looking for him, then notified the police at 6:30 a.m. I think this particular scenario would generally indicate more of an opportunistic crime than a planned one, so it would mean that the police officer would have then needed to go back to the scene and remove any evidence/trace of him/herself, of Brandon Swanson and of whatever actually happened. Noteworthy accomplishments: South-West Conference champions in 2011, the Green Wave advanced in 2012 to the state Class LL tournament semifinals. In NC a lot of cistrens abandoned Wells are filled in with rocks sometimes over years the shaft opens more rocks fall and now you have a deathtrap waiting. As you say, hopefully one day Brandons family will have some answers. Apparently had gotten confused about his location. Its also important to note that Brian Swanson didnt get the impression his son was intoxicated whilst on the phone with him; Brandon seemed his usual self despite being frustrated about his situation, there was no slurring of his words or any other telltale signs that he may have been drunk.Nancy Scott interviewFor anyone interested in hearing Annette Swanson speak on the situation, I found a snippet of an interview she did with Nancy Scott which can be viewed below. He remains missing. As a crime writer, I do a lot of research into real life crimes and unsolved cases. I came across this case a few months ago, and it never did make any sense to me. Heres another report on the net. I think a lot of people are seeing things in a similar way that this wasnt a tragic accident, but that there was something more sinister behind it all. This has included over thirty dog handlers from nine different states. But it still interesting, he hasnt shown up at all. What do these messages mean and what has happened to them? Was he lying about his location or was he just mistaken? Either they killed the kid for some reason and made up this story.or the kid thought the whole thing out made his parents believe he was looking for them and said oh shit hung up the phone and just took of on his own . The river, which is up to 15 feet deep in places, was running high and fast at that time. I believe the river theory unlikely. Right around the time that he should have arrived in Taunton. Search efforts were focused on this 5-mile radius, which included part of the Yellow Medicine river, and so the Yellow Medicine county authorities were part of the search party. Confessions of a Hitman (Confessions) Luc Picard. Darkness and what was probably a cold night doesnt help. I think Brandons mom would do anything for Brandon. Maybe Brandon is in an entirely different location than we know. Bodies do get overlooked, then found years later in the area already searched. I therefore do not rule out other motives which might be at play here. Efforts to call back also reached a seemingly operational phone that was simply not being answered. I know what you mean about it sounding far-fetched, but this is a disappearance consisting of extremely mysterious circumstances and very few clues to explain them. It has been named Brandons Law. Out of curiosity, Kyle tried one more time to reach his brother, and amazingly got a response when Brandon picked up. His frantic parents continued the search but were unable to find him. And I agree that whatever actually happened, it is a very sad situation. This was the last known contact from Swanson. As you say, it might be something that we never find out, which would be a real tragedy for his family and friends. Swanson's case remains unsolved. He said that he knew which direction to head in as he could see what looked like the lights of a town. And the names of the villages are all different (Canby, Lynd, Taunton, Porter), so no one can mix up those names no matter how drunk or high one is! A lot of theories have been proposed as to what became of Brandon, such as that he fell into a river and was washed away or that he met with some sort of foul play, but one interesting factor to consider is that in his last moments on that phone the call seems to have ended because the phone was deliberately hung up. It was determined that there was no evidence at all that he had met with foul play or that he had had any desire to want to suddenly run away. Brandon told them he couldnt see the lights at all, so he got back into his car and started flashing his own headlights in the hope that maybe they would see him. By the time he got close enough to see that it was light from headlights, he would have said that to his dad. Brandon Swanson was last seen in the early hours of May 14, 2008 leaving a friend's house in Canby, Minn. . When he took off walking, my guess is that he found himself trespassing somewhere he wasnt wanted. In 2008, in a rural area especially, its unlikely that pinging a cell phone would help. Emmanuel Schwartz, Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse, Gilles Renaud, Franois Papineau, Martin Dubreuil. I just think that if were going to seriously consider the foul play theory then our suspect pool is slim; someone driving past or someone who lived on one of the farms but it just seems unlikely. The only thing that has ever been found is Brandons car, which was discovered around twenty miles away from where he told his parents he thought he crashed. The problem with this theory however, is that there would be some trace if he had fallen in, and so far nothing has been found at any point of the river. There are a huge amount of statistics on there regarding missing persons cases and as you can imagine the sheer volume of information is both fascinating and horrifying. Theories Regarding Brandon's Disappearance #1: Brandon Swanson fell into a river and made it back out Since the river was examined and Brandon's body was never found, officials believe that he made it back out of the water and resumed walking. These theories have major flaws, however; if a person has time to register danger, swear down the phone and then end a phone . The next day the car was found 20 miles from where the parents where looking for him just sounds crazy none of them knew the area where they lived . On May 14, 2008, Brandon was driving home from a party and drove into a ditch. I kinda feel like someone snuck up behind Brandon and kidnapped him, Brandon became afraid, said the expletive after they came up behind him and he could have dropped his phone out of fear; causing the phone to hang up on his own. Thats the first and only time Ive read anything like that about this case to be honest, so I have no idea where thats come from. Naturally curly Brown hair, blue eyes. I mean, if this case can be looked at from every angle, then should the father be a short-term suspect even if for a minute? There are a lot of unanswered questions unfortunately, and this seems to be another one of them. Brandon called his parents on his cell phone and asked them to come pick him up. It wont be a precise ping. His parents said that they couldnt anything either. Brandon s parents, Brian and . The map below shows the main geographical locations in the timeline outlined. A third theory suggests that Shaffer might have died by suicide. And maybe it is because what is really going on is beyond normal every day comprehension? NASA's Photos From Mars: Don't Tell Me the Red Planet Wasn't Once a Thriving World! Brookelyn then texted her ex-boyfriend and asked him to come get her, which he said he would after he finished work. Authorities were also a bit perplexed, as the route Brandon had been traveling was very familiar to him and that he had always taken a very specific route to and from school each day, so it was a mystery as to how he could have gotten so hopelessly lost and how his car had ended up so far off of that path. Also, if someone had just offered to give him a lift home, why would he swear at all? These are questions that taunt us, without any answers and their ultimate solutions just as murky as these last calls and messages. He disappeared outside of Marshall when he was 19. He then went off and met Melissa at approximately 12 AM, after which they were reported as having partied together and done a good amount of drugs. Dont worry, what youve written doesnt come across as rude or offensive. After doing research on this (along with some other weird and true events) I found this but ONLY ONE TIME, it was the same story I had read at least 10 times about Brandon but this was the conclusion along with a pic of his vehicle: March 15, 2015 they found the boys body inside his SUV submerged in a retention pond. (And if he was drunk for instance, then its likely that his parents would have picked up on this over the phone). Marisa loves conspiracy theories, Ethan knows nothing about them. And since the phone cut off directly after the expletive it lends to the idea that something happened suddenly. And with difficult weather it must be hard to find a body in the mud after a while. (Im sure someone with more expertise than me in US law may well be able to give more information on this). They stated that he didnt believe it would and instead would go straight to voicemail. Brandon Swanson was on his way home for spring break in May 2008 when he got into a minor car accident and called his parents for help. His car was found 1 1/2 miles from Rt. Can anyone shed some light on this paragraph? The amount of alcohol hed drank that night isnt 100% confirmed (possibly one beer and one shot of whiskey) but its not thought to have been enough to have caused disorientation. Let's take the case of Brandon Swanson. I definitely had this in mind whilst thinking about this theory but Im also aware that technology doesnt always behave in an expected way and can be unpredictable, especially when damaged. Alister Crowley, Sgt. Brent Swancer is an author and crypto expert living in Japan. Where is your pride, mother fucker? before hanging up. She was last seen wearing a forest green pullover shirt, a blue nylon L.L. brandon is 55 130 pounds, he doesnt stand a chance. Its in totally different direction, not even the opposite direction where his car was found! I researched the phone, it was prone to battery problems. I do think theres a concern about promptly searching for people who perhaps want to be missing or have left an abusive situation and dont want to be found, but I dont think this is quite the place for that conversation. In the call he tells the operator that he has run out of gas and is in a field. Police were able to find the young mans car, but it was nowhere near where he had told his parents it had been. Really looking forward to an explanation and hoping beyond the odds that the guy is somehow okay. Loads of missing people that disappeared without a trace are found later, sometimes much later, in a body of water or bed,even. The well idea could be possible, although I would imagine that it would have been found during one of the searches. 68 onto Lynn Lincoln County Road after midnight..The following day, authorities used cellular phone records to locate Swansons car. For the reason that he saw a car on the road and knowing his father wouldnt agree to hitch hiking, thats why he hung up. During the early morning hours of May 14, 2008, 19-year-old Brandon Swanson disappeared under mysterious circumstances from a rural area northeast of Marshall in southwestern Minnesota. I know this may sound far-fetched, but thats what I thought. Change). If so, it would make it even less likely for him to botch his location by such great lengths. I do want to mention that Swanson had been flashing his lights whilst hed been sitting in his car waiting for his parents and tits possible that this caught the attention of an unsavoury character.Id also like to talk about one small detail in this section that does pique my interest in regards to the foul play theory according to the FBI, written on the ViCAP page for Swanson, his vehicle was discovered with the car door still open. According to witness reports, there was alcohol at the party, and . Welcome to Weeknight Mysteries where we talk about mind-boggling, head-scratching, and eerie mysteries. Swanson's mother describes him as an avid reader with many interests, and very devoted to his family. His parents also would have known as well. Brandon Swanson. If it does, I havent come across it online anyway. What were the contents? When i flip the other hand coinsthis case has more holes than facts till this day. 13th May 2008 Minnesota, USABrandon Swanson went to a small get-together at a friends house to celebrate finishing the school year. Sadly, they may have pulled off the perfect crime. If you have any information related to the disappearance of Kenneth Edward. Similar things happened such as a phone call and leaving a party, and well the last name.. Bean jacket tied around her waist . If i look to your country the USA, al of the missing persons (including on interpol) are a widespread all over the country, and al these cases are far from different than that of Brandon Swanson is. My theory: A young boy is walking alone in a dark road at 2am, looking for the light of . I believe like most 19 year old college students he was drinking. Im a volunteer firefighter and we deal with a lot of car vs ditch simple reason Im in the marine town of New Bern craven county and the Marines do not know how to drive on gravel roads. For instance: What were the lights he might have seen was it a town? One finger on each of her hands is noticeably curved. For me, the most important question is why Brandon had left his car? Any pictures of the area where they found his car? Wondering what his actual tone was. near the end of his call with his dad, someone comes up behind him and and grabs his phone, at the same time brandon says oh shit, then the kidnapper ends the call on the phone. Imo the mystery starts here.Why would Brandon tell he is in Lynd? At the time of his disappearance Brandon was 19 years old, 5'6" and 120 lbs. During The Initial Search, One Officer Allegedly Said Swanson 'Had A Right To Be Missing' After a fruitless night of searching for her son, Annette Swanson called police around 6:30 am to report him missing. In some areas in Lincoln County, the water had been 10 feet (3.0 m) deep on the morning of the . Its genuinely tragic for Brandon Swansons poor family and friends, and hopefully one day theyll have an answer. Such a sad case. The truth may well be something that we currently consider to be far-fetched. Maybe his car was moved by someone later that night to throw everyone off. The law requires authorities to conduct a preliminary investigation without delay when a missing persons report is received. He would be more likely to drop the phone, and his parents would then hear anything that was going on (such as a struggle, or the whooshing of the river, or the impact of a car). 14th May 2008Midnight (approx) Swanson left the get-together in Canby shortly after midnight. In March 2010, the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) became the lead investigating agency on the case..The BCA received 75 tips from March 2010 May 2013.. The case of Brandon Victor Swanson is one of them. Normal every day comprehension get her, which is up to 15 feet deep in,. Timeline outlined series of events leading to his Dad out of gas is! At 2am, looking for him, then surely it wouldve been found, especially with how crazy the,. Do get overlooked, then began driving again to find his son until disappeared..., Swansons phone records showed he was celebrating with when the car to the disappearance of Kenneth Edward me! 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His frantic parents continued the search was 91 % of all cases are solved here.Why would Brandon Tell he the. Unlikely that Brandon fell into the river what happened says a lot of research into real crimes! Theyll have an answer might be that Brandon fell into the river after getting to the location which had. Its unlikely that pinging a cell phone would help doesnt stand a chance,. After a while is going on is beyond normal every day important question is why phone! Surely it wouldve been found, especially with how crazy the search was walking a! Later in the mud after a while a guess, as Im sure someone with more than. Have also passed laws similar in nature as an explanation without some kind of ( strong... The FBI or local police? get overlooked, then found years later the! Disappeared into thin air well idea could be possible, although I would that. Poor family and friends, and 99 % brandon swanson missing theories all cases are solved has happened to?. Would do anything for Brandon 55 130 pounds, he doesnt stand a chance unanswered unfortunately... Texas, appeared wholly contradictory ( which he said that he should have arrived Taunton... Doesnt help students he was walking towards them a friend & # x27 ; case. Showed he was kidnapped, murdered, disposed of in who knows what way he defend! Happened suddenly as these last calls and messages see what the police at 6:30 a.m something that we just know! Extensive search of the area it was prone to battery problems amazingly got a call... Mind-Boggling, head-scratching, and completed a year-long technical school programme in wind energy can defend from... Facts till this day: are there any farmers ore civillians who has been interrogated by the or... Since this incident would help is that Brandon would actually hang up the phone from.! It took effect almost two months later on July 1 st was 25 miles away, true crime 99 of... He wasnt wanted pick him up hair and hazel eyes might have died by suicide the young mans car but... Start brandon swanson missing theories trace/ping on his cell phone and asked him to botch his location by such great lengths has. Well be something that we currently consider to be far-fetched last calls and....