Fatigue support and arrow diversionIf you want to be sure that someone is not going to get shot at then you can take Anticipation. You want a very dodgy bro to make this work, and given Swords low damage vs. armor you will need some backup Swords or a different option against heavily armored foes. Misconception Reach is an auto-pick on 2HandersNo. Smart positioning can only get you so far for your tank. With Bags, a Cleaver Mastery set becomes two throwing weapon stacks, a Cleaver, a Whip, and a final option for versatility such as a net, an emergency shield, a grenade, or another weapon option. If you are going to be using Indomitable with your heavy armor then you can get away with a lower HP count as Indomitable + armor does a wonderful job at mitigating armor ignoring damage, but without Indomitable a low HP count is risky. This also applies to the additional defense bonus of the Shieldwall skill. These units are great for farming armor safely and/or disabling high threat targets and they will need Recover if you want them doing this for an extended duration. With Colossus assumed, Gifted is worth 5 hp and 3 defense which believe it or not is a respectable defensive boost for a Nimble bro, and potentially a large defensive boost if your base defense is already high. Generally speaking, people like to put FW onto their range units. palmetto primary care patient portal login; css horizontal scroll bar not showing; sapphire foxx tg. Does not affect damage from mental attacks or status effects. Attributes are a type of gameplay mechanic associated with the level up system in Battle Brothers. Nimble and Forge: Nimble and Battle Forged are the go-to mitigation perks so they will be referenced a lot when talking about other perks, as most bros will want one or the other. Since the backline isnt zoned, they also have the freedom to move around to wherever the Rotation is needed as well. This fight can become a disaster quickly if you cant avoid some of the Charms. which scale better later into the game, but if raw durability right now is what you most want then you can pick up 9L. Magic The Gathering, magic cards, singles, decks, card lists, deck ideas, wizards of the coast, all of the cards you need at great prices are available at Cardkingdom. Utility builds like the net or flask thrower can also make good use of Bags. Even as you do start to tire, it doesnt take much INI to still be getting +5 out of Dodge and that is equivalent to Shield Expert and Underdog most of the time. DiscussionLash is a good ability for Flails that is both expensive and is missing the normal Flail accuracy bonus against shields. A whole perk just to counter status is a high costResilient is a perk that would be nice to have but is hard to fit it in because other perks are often better. Bannerman: You want MindObviously, the Bannerman wants as much Resolve as possible both for his Banner aura and for Rally. Negating the wait penalty is great though. Having more than 50 RES will certainly have value in Monolith. As brothers we fight. Generally, Duelists just feel more flexible with 4AP attacks instead of 6AP attacks. 300/300 vs. 300/320: Is +20 armor worth 4 FAT?Coat of Plates cost 4 more FAT (3 with Brawny) for 20 more durability than Coat of Scales which is not a good trade but gives additional protection, mostly against multiple weak attacks. Brow helps more than usual against these enemies. The softcap only slows this down by a little. DiscussionIf you are just using a 1H Sword and no specials then Mastery is more skippable than usual due to Swords already having lower FAT costs. Even though the absolute mean survivability hasnt gone up much, Brow protects against poor rng cases and against crippling injuries which is valuable. Haha, the hidden perks thing was a joke. Anti-IjirokIjirok gets completely owned by Overwhelm. Anti-Overwhelm synergy: Their value condition is at oddsNot that they cannot be used together, but to get Overwhelm value you need to have not killed your target and to get Berserk value you need to kill your target so they are at odds with each other. Fencer: High INI frontline build is going to want DodgeFencer is an obvious build that appreciates Dodge. If you wanted to do a build that attempts to injure Orc Warriors on first hit then HH can help. Position your LW accordingly on the left if he is to deal with that, or the right if he should be away. Furthermore, Raiders and Direwolves have Executioner so running around with injuries early on makes them more dangerous to your already fragile bros. Nimble: increased efficiencyColossus is fantastic with Nimble. Alternatively, use your first move to move around the edge and use Adrenaline. It is common to find a cheap background early in the game who has terrible skill but good defensive potential. Oh please. The ability to swap items for free opens up plethora of options only limited by the players creativity and the number of items in the game. This doesnt reflect on your current Initiative, meaning that Dodge is not affected. Veteran levelsTechnically speaking, even though the XP bonus turns off at level 11, reaching 11 faster does mean you will be reaching veteran levels a bit sooner than non-students. Both can use Duelist effectively, and Nimble Duelists do not necessarily lean toward using Dodge and/or Initiative either. Therefore even if you start the turn with maxed out FAT you will still be able to move 1 tile and attack for 14 FAT from the 15 you recovered. 2Hander AoE: 3+ hit AoE requires being surroundedThe three tile AoE sweeps from the Greatsword/Hammer and the six tile sweeps from the Greataxe/Flail require you to be engaged by 3+ enemies to get full value on. With Nimble however, HP is armor so as long as theres life, theres hope! Due to the wisdom of Nexus, we have created a Github where you can find the latest files. Fearsome: Synergy with it and defense against itThe BD Fearsome changes allow it to scale with your RES. Recover can help 2H builds but it is by no means a necessity. Standing next to adjacent friendly bros grants +3 hidden RES bonus for each bro. You can bring FA users into legendary locations. Indomitable A protection against high AIDIndom is heavy armors best defense against its AID vulnerability. Not all stats are created equal. Area of effect (AoE) & three-headed flail (3HF) attacks are limited to one stack, removed on hitFA will check all hits on the AoE and adjust your hit chance accordingly for each hit. In the early game when you are running around in Thug armor, gaining 15+ HP from Colossus is actually a pretty big increase in your total durability. While Crossbows/Throwing are great at dealing injuries to set up their own Executioner, they like it even better if a Warbow user or another bro can set up the injury first. Executioner helps you kill them faster which is very welcome. It is important to note that Frenzy turns off next turn, not two turns from now, because it counts the current turn as one of the two turns. Misconception Backstabber is better on PolearmsI see this a lot and I believe that it often comes from a misunderstanding on how surround bonuses are calculated. Also be warned that your own Nimble bros will need to be more concerned about eating Ancient Dead attacks and other Fearsome enemies for the same reason. I will go over this in the use cases. In short, teams that rely heavily on a single or few archers or throwers for damage and kills may want to give them Bags, but otherwise Bags rarely matters when it comes to ammunition. Depending on a bros role, he may prefer one of the other (or neither). It is unlikely these guys will survive very long so 9L being weak in the long term isnt really a problem. DiscussionSpearwall is the main selling point of spears (aside from accuracy). The disadvantage of this formation is that your backline range units can get zoned from the front and your four frontliners take a lot of pressure. Pathfinder makes it easier to skip RecoverPathfinder saves FAT over the course of a fight and can make a big difference to the viability of a fully Fatigued unit still operating decently without Recover. These points can be . . This was a core interaction of the Adrenaline cycle and is still applicable, just not infinitely as it was in the past. Going for a Billhook followed by a Crypt Cleaver is some of the highest damage you can get out of a turn. Anti-hexe: Avoid CharmsHexe are one of the more dangerous enemies in the game. Hammer) then you can essentially negate their Adrenaline. In this scenario Underdog is going to be providing you only 5 defense because you can only ever be engaged by two enemies. 2H Cleaver doesnt cost a perk (dont need Duelist), are better against low or unarmored targets, and can use Reach if you wanted. You can also field frontliners who dont have Indom at all and they can do just fine with other defensive perks/measures and/or smart play. A couple of noteworthy options include the Billhook which is 5AP with Mastery, 2H Cleavers for a big headshot Decapitate, or a Fighting Axe/Head Splitter to capitalize on the Axe bonus. HH allows for double head taps in a row, which with strong weapons against most targets is usually going to deal a lot of damage if not outright kill them even though the headshot modifier is not favored by the damage formula (see Game Mechanics). Anti-OrcOrcs are both easy to hit and durable, both of which favor Reach to both gain stacks and survive the counterblows from the surviving Orcs. Rule of thumb. The extra accuracy and option of Lash can make Duelist Flail a good option for a unit with a bit lower skill that would appreciate accuracy support who also has a good FAT pool to make use of Lash. Dont answer to twinkle toes, its not manly!. They also suffer -3 Resolve on all morale checks for each adjacent enemy. A common strategy to fight Hexe is to have a bunch of Maces on your team to Stun your Charmed brothers (and the Hexe herself). You can also use Adrenaline to set up Overwhelm stacks, though the FAT cost of using Adrenaline is prohibitive to Overwhelm in later turns. As exciting as that sounds, the Shamshir itself is a rather poor Duelist option due to its low base Ignore% and low armor damage. Dodge can help against enemy Gunner spraying into your formation. Even 100 RSK archers will appreciate Gifted. Executioner is better against certain enemiesDespite the large number of targets where Executioner doesnt help, it can do very well in Barbarian and Orc battles and since Barbarians are the most threatening faction in the game right now it is definitely worth considering using a perk slot to help against them. With the heaviest possible famed armor you will still get 19 from Brawny. Refer tothis discussionfor a more detailed analysis of higher value Nimble lines. This can be a good move if you need to hunker down for two turns to survive a threat, but be careful to neuter any threats within those two turns, as otherwise this bro is unlikely to be able to do this again without losing a turn to Recover. Early game: Recover usually isnt neededTwo builds that might want early Recover however are dedicated disablers (Mace/Whip) and Flail Lash spammers. Recover is recommended for continued tanking, as Indom and incoming attacks will fill your tanks Fatigue quickly. But wait, theres more Resist displacementIndom offers resistances to annoying enemy Stun and displacement abilities. Once you have halfway decent weapons Executioner will start being more helpful. With the cycle dead the synergy has gotten worse. Rotation can provide other benefitsOffensively, Rotation allows you to manipulate your formation once everyone gets locked down to either focus fire dangerous enemies or line up AoE attacks, or just better position yourself. Pathfinder helps here, especially in the cases where the camp is elevated above your starting position. Thats comparable to Brawny with two more bag slots on top. If your build just wants these skills for tactical flexibility and just-in-case scenarios then it wont hurt Dodge much. Enemies also get to enjoy these changes with the noteworthy one being Fearsome. Dodge starts strong and gets weaker over time. Super tank: Distract large portions of the enemy teamThis is one of the easier ways to make use of LW. This means every frontliner can be engaged by four enemies. Duelists however have better mobility and can attack multiple times per turn which means that missing is less painful and there is less wasted overkill damage on weakened enemies. Anyone who gives you the answer "high HP is nimble, high fatigue is BF" doesn't understand the game. Make no mistake, these weapons make for your best Duelists, but the extra FAT demand cannot be ignored, and you will either need an exceptional recruit to support this for an extended period, or resort to using Recover to support it. Since every HP point is worth more with Nimble, DoT particularly hurt it. When no ally is within 3 tiles of distance, gain a 15% bonus to Melee Skill, Ranged Skill, Melee Defense, Ranged Defense, and Resolve. Your frontline is at much higher risk of having FAT problems than your backline and that can block them from trying to Rotate themselves out. Duelists/2Handers/PolearmsAny damage dealing build is going to appreciate more damage. 25 FAT cost is expensive and sometimes you may find yourself in danger without enough FAT to use Rotation to bail out. Three attacks per turn also synergizes well with things like Overwhelm and Fearsome. You can also manipulate Savants into wasting turns this way. The main problem lies in its inability to deal any meaningful armor ignoring damage due to each individual attack being so weak and due to the way that remaining armor reduces the amount of HP damage taken. Executioner vs. Berserk/FrenzyExecutioner is a damage oriented perk which means that it is going to be compared to other damage perks. Gifted is worth 5 RES with Mind assumed, plus two other stats dependent on what your Bannerman needs. The bonus Dodge defense also makes it easier to safely ditch the shield so that you can use these weapons. Kiting enemies away from the group or baiting them to strategic positions and protecting more valuable team members from dangerous opponents. This can fully avoid Charm for example. The two base slots already provide two additional options to each character by default. The battle is usually won by the time you need to swap arrows, and missing half a turn isnt horrible. So taking 10 Bleeding damage on a Nimble bro is more like taking 25+ damage as your raw hp is multiplied by Nimble. The start of the fight is the most dangerousAlthough you will likely accumulate Fatigue over the course of the battle, the first couple of turns are generally the most important and decisive. Lets address the negatives before we get to the positives. Reach Advantage is +5 per hit but worth nothing if you miss. Rather than fish for low chance shots on him, you can instead just kill his escort after which you can safely walk over and finish him off. Regular attacks can be used on softer targets and Gash as an opening move on heavier units like Chosen. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Gifted helps to alleviate these problems. This created a situation where your ranged units were forever and always vulnerable to enemy ranged threats and Anticipation was one of the best defensive perks to give your range units some security. CS Shamshir does have some advantages. That by no means makes Duelists bad or that you shouldnt use them, but it is something to be aware of. In this way, you can loosely translate your Gifted gain into +12 RES. I will not be marking spoilers throughout the guide. Recover if needed. You can also save the stack for next turn and use it for a big 2H Mace shot, but this usage is more cumbersome than the prior options. Pathfinder isnt as good in some casesThe biggest downside to Pathfinder is going to be the inconsistency in the value that it provides. Rotation can allow you to better maneuver around tricky or tight terrain. If your whole team is doing this you can likely crush many Goblin encounters. Armor damage = 90 * 0.7(Forge) * 1.15(Armor%) = 72.45. Use Colossus if you expect your Nimble bro to be seeing danger. If you dont have any clear shots then move to a better position rather than shoot at half accuracy. A good (Melee) Defense complements armor nicely. Details. Low AID Duelists like Swords should not use HH. A 5 MDF increase with a starting value of 40 is more than 3 times as beneficial as it is for a value of 10. Potions and grenadesThe new potion mechanics can give you strong buffs for challenging fights. If possible, the character should pick at least one Mastery for the main weapon. Perk rebalancing: Some winners and losersSee the above list for the perk changes. Anti-Kraken: Save a brother or get back into formationAdrenaline can be good in the Kraken fight since the fight is largely about making sure you dont get dragged around by the Tentacles. If you arent accumulating a lot of FAT then Relentless isnt going to be doing as much for you. This allows you to move twice and still attack (such as moving forward, attacking, and retreating back again), or move once and attack twice with Berserk. + Saves FAT, usually worth it for this alone+ Provides additional boons of varying strength Some Masteries are more impactful to their weapon class than others Some builds dont need one. That does mean you will often waste HH stacks, but overall HH will increase your kill rates against Goblins, which is helpful when you are trying to gun down 30 of them. Overwhelm forces you to attack on your first action if you want to get value. Although you can use Frenzy without Berserk, Berserk makes it a lot stronger, and is generally the better of the two anyway, so youve probably already got it. You arent a real adventurer unless you are carrying a hundred things that you will never use.. Even though RDF has increasing returns just like MDF does, it is difficult to actually make use of it because the enemies will just shoot somebody else. You cannot gain Confidence from Rally Formula: Targets current RES + 40% of Rally users RES 10 * distance from user. You do not need to pump RES into your bro to get value here. Injury avoidanceColossus helps you avoid injuries and this effect should not be underappreciated. Backstabber and Gifted can also help in this regard to getting more consistent HH value. Disarm no longer has a -15% accuracy penalty. You dont need to use it on anybody else. + Provides enormous and unparalleled increases in durability+ Is favored by the damage formula+ Provides immunity and control against annoying enemy abilities Is expensive to cast. Without QH it can be difficult to make meaningful use of your two bag slots which isnt really a problem, but if you want to carry multiple weapons or items then QH will help you use them. But there is one thing makes BF in my game terrible. I used to do it too until someone pointed out to me that the perk is bad. You dont have to build your whole team around it. Looking for a better famed helm now. Damage Dealers: Berserk greatly increases damage dealingBerserk allows 2Handers to attack twice per turn instead of once, potentially doubling your damage output. A scattered shot also does 25% less damage to the new tile/target. The 1-14 damage effect of Fearsome can only apply one check per 3hit swing. Legacy information: Anticipation used to be goodPrior to the B&E DLC, Nimble was terrible which made heavy armor the only viable option to not be at risk of immediate death all of the time. Since Chosen are one of the most dangerous enemies in the game, this can potentially be worth a pick. So with little or no investment into HP Colossus is already outpacing the other raw stat boosting perks in terms of raw numbers. Misconception Dodge requires you to level Initiative to get good valueNo. Some builds and weapons hardly accumulate Fatigue at all, allowing you to maintain high Dodge value easily. This is very expensive on Fatigue and you should really try to either kill that enemy or smack him away with a different bro, but if you want your spearman to have his own ability to do so then this is an option. So if you give this bro Backstabber then he can drop a Dog for an instant +10 hit chance for his upcoming attack. Alternatively, Indom can simply serve as an opening move for Orc charges, or as a insurance button should your 2Hander find himself in a bad position. +15% accuracy on Disarm is huge, and many people commonly add Cleaver Mastery to their Polearm users just to have improved Disarm utility. So while Forge does improve on that natural protection it cannot, for balance reasons, be as beneficial a perk as Nimble. Cycle dead the Synergy has gotten worse pathfinder helps here, especially in the...., people like to put FW onto their range units also applies to the new tile/target ; foxx! Fearsome: Synergy with it and defense against itThe BD Fearsome changes allow it to scale your! Builds that might want early recover however are dedicated disablers ( Mace/Whip ) Flail. Dodgefencer is an obvious build that attempts to injure Orc Warriors on first hit then HH can against... 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