peter thomson escape

THISEYE-WITNESS account of the Battle of the Little Bighorn by Seventh Cavalry Private Peter Thompson is one of the three great Lost Texts -- or perhaps I should say, Ignored Texts -- of the Little Bighorn eye-witness canon (the others are the accounts of White Cow Bull and Pretty Shield). With a cry of rage he drew his revolver from beneath his overcoat and taking aim at me he told me to skip or he would put a hole through me. He seemed to come to one conclusion, and that was that the 7th Cavalry was going to be whipped. I was still tugging away at the spurs, when Watson came up and asked what the trouble was and then passed on in the trail of the soldiers. When I had nearly gained the top of the hill, I saw five Sioux Indians. Up until the destruction of Earth-38, he was serving a life sentence for two counts of murder. The Indian threw up his hands and fell with his head between the legs of his pony. So we began to map out a course by which we could join our command, where we felt we were so much needed. The cause of this commotion was Major Reno with three companies of men about a mile distant from the upper end of the village, dashing along in a gallop towards them. When one fell either dead or wounded he was carried from the field; but there remained plenty to take his place; but if a soldier fell there was no one to take his, and if wounded there was no one to bring him water to quench his thirst; if dying, no one to close his eyes. Each man, commencing at the head of the company calls out in turn his number; one, two, three, four, and so these are repeated until the company is all numbered into sets of fours. After the volley was past, it was a wonder to me how I had escaped. Peter Thomson . He did not need a second bidding, neither did he dismount in military style, but more like a frog landing with feet and hands in the water at the same time. Knipe added, "They all thought you was a gonner." Thompson's exhausted horse "entirely played out" near the bottom of Medicine Tail Coulee and James Watson's horse went down too. He suddenly turned aside from the trail as if he wished to avoid some threatening danger. He escaped from Chelmsford Prison less than a year later. Finckle had already missed the chance to carry Custer's last order -- and live -- because his mount was giving out.]. Thompson was sentenced to death Oct. 28 and was being held in the county jail until he could be transferred to a prison in Livingston, about 75 miles to the northeast. In October 2013, Kevin Patrick Stoeser escaped from the Austin Transitional Center where he was serving the remainder of a 156-month sentence for four counts of child sexual assault and one count of possession of child pornography. Considering that Reno's Arikara scouts had murdered a dozen Sioux squaws at the outset of Reno's attack a half hour before, what Thompson described the Crow scout doing with the tethered squaw isn't impossible at all. The eye-witness record of the battle says there were actually four more survivors who left Custer's command after Curley. I now turned around and made my way to the place where my dead horse lay and stripped the saddle of everything, then went and made my bed behind my cracker box. The. Suddenly they broke up and advanced toward my place of concealment. The well-trained horses were kept well in hand. In spring 2017, Rick tried to have Supergirl free Peter by threatening Alex Danvers ' life. A man, by the name of McVey [Trumpeter David McVeigh], to whom I handed the canteen that he might drink seemed determined to keep it in his possession. When I got close enough to Watson, I called to him in a guarded voice. I do not know how long I lay there, but I have a faint recollection of being turned and my gun taken from me. Passing the ford on the run, we came to some underbrush; when we slowed down to a walk. According to White Man Runs Him, they all "went with Custer down a dry gulch to near the river.". The squaws and papooses now kept howling without intermission. Fortunately for me the soil was soft and loose to light upon. He struggled to his feet; his face bore tokens of great fear. It was utterly impossible to move our wounded, as we had no means at hand with which we could do so. We all knew that the Indians never fought after night fall. There were numerous ravines leading into the one which we occupied. Copyright 1973 - 2020 by Bruce Brown and BF Communications Inc. Astonisher,, Conversations With Crazy Horse, 100 Voices, Who Killed Custer?, The Winter Count of Crazy Horse's Life, and Mysteries of the Little Bighorn are trademarks of BF Communications Inc. BF Communications Inc. The Eye-witness Chronology Peter Thompson at the Little Bighorn Map. Just 148 players - the lowest since 1904 - entered and Thomson showed absolutely no nerves on his debut as he posted a flawless two-under 70 to sit in a tie for third after the opening round. As I ran up the hill, which was but a short distance, I was seized with a tendency to shrink up and was under the impression that I was going to be struck in the legs or feet. Watson, surprised, answered, "No," and again asked what was up. Watson still being some distance ahead of me. Medal of Honor winner Peter Thompson was the last Seventh Cavalry trooper to get out of George A. Custer's doomed command alive.The Map (above) reveals how he escaped the fate of his comrades, told in the eye-witness accounts of Thompson himself, fellow Seventh Cavalry survivor, John McGuire, and an Anonymous . 4.82 avg rating 11 ratings 2 editions. The forces under Major Reno, at the time we stepped into the trail, were six companies of the left wing and one company of the right, namely Company B under the command of Capt. Can this be true? Wesoon gained the top of the bluffs where a view of the surrounding country was obtained. Here is Arikara scout Red Bear's account of the incident, complete with the scouts' humorously insolent backtalk to the "Great Man.". Peter Thompson's Story of the Battle 14. We were in a very precarious condition. The tunnel was 1.7m (5.7ft) tall and 75cm (29.5in) in width. After leaving three canteens for the wounded at the hospital, I took the other two and gave them to my wounded comrades. This aroused me and I managed to struggle to a sitting posture, but the man and the gun were gone. Curley, a young Crow scout, would leave the command within the next ten minutes to take news of the battle to General Terry." Two accomplices of Palaiokostas hijacked a sight-seeing helicopter and forced the pilot to fly to the prison where Palaiokostas was being held. Tom Custer and other Seventh Cavalry troopers riding across the river in the moonlight, but it turned out to be Indians in captured Army uniforms.]. How deceptive are appearances. One of its hind legs was fearfully gashed by a bullet. "Well," said he, "Who are those ahead of us?" At this time a detail of five men from Company F was sent ahead to reconoiter and from this point I was gradually left behind in spite of all I could do to keep up with my company. If he was as thirsty as I was before he dismounted, I will guarantee that he was in that condition no longer. View the profiles of people named Peter Thomson. It was equipped with artificial light, air conditioning, and high-quality construction materials. John Brennan], and Watson [Pvt. So we started in the proposed direction. Review by Dr. Kirk Bane, Central Texas Historical Association. In 2017 he initiated the transition of the program's Environment desk to the Livable Planet desk. Peering through the brush I thought I recognized the horse which Billy Jackson, our guide, had ridden. DURING THE SUMMER OF 2004. "And the strangest part of it," added Watson, "was that instead of taking the back trail, he struck straight from the river across the country and as far as he could see him, he was urging his pony to its utmost speed. I knew then they were some of the hostiles we were after. Thompson and Watson had spied a Seventh Cavalry guidon in the huge free Sioux and Cheyenne village across the river, and they were under the mistaken impression that they could rejoin their Seventh Cavalry comrades there. The sight of this increased our courage. Wherever duty called him, whatever the danger might be, he was always at his post. Looking through this opening down the stream, I could see Custer's command drawn up in battle line, two men deep in a half circle facing the Indians who were crossing the river both above and below them. Indians for their families, property, and glory. But now they were beginning to recover themselves. There was but one gasp and all was still. It may seem hard to take human life, but he had been trying to take mine, and self preservation is the first law of nature. He was making his way towards a party Indians who were standing close to the river bank near a clump of underbrush. Our retreat was covered by Company D commanded by Capt. Down at the foot of the hill I was descending, I saw a white man riding in a slow, leisurely way. We stopped a moment to consider the best way to proceed and how to act. See Mysteries of the Little Bighorn for more info.]. The term was interrupted when Matt, taking advantage of a guard's mistake, slipped out of his cell, scaled a 9-foot brick and metal wall topped with razor wire and hopped a freight train to his brother's house in Tonawanda. "Victor F. Nelson, Notorious Ex-Convict, Believed Poisoned". Sumas, WA 98295 We felt we were discovered. The noise in the village was as great as ever, which told us that the Indians still held it. On March 30, 2010, three inmates, Quentin Truehill, Kentrell Johnson, and Peter Hughes escaped from Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office in Mansura, Louisiana after holding an officer hostage. A s you've likely heard, the ocean's health is . After Custer excused the scouts from further service, Goes Ahead said he and Hairy Moccasin and White Man Runs Him went together to the river on their own, and Sioux warrior White Cow Bull said he saw three Crows on the bluffs above Medicine Tail Coulee just before Cuter attacked the village. This, for a time, seemed to deter him for he laid down his gun and commenced work at his former occupation. While meditating on the uncertainty of life, a bullet struck the box behind which I lay, and as I heard the lead crashing through its contents, I wondered if the time had come for me to wear a pair of wings. "And now, Watson," said I, "I will help myself along by hanging to your horse's tail, as I cannot otherwise keep up with you." Peter Andre has turned 50-years-old. Pausing for a moment I looked cautiously around the bend and there before me was running water, the Little Horn River, on the opposite side was a thick cover of cottonwood timber, the sight of which made me hesitate for a moment. Fortunately I was not armed or I would have committed an act that I would have been sorry for afterwards. Ponies were dashing here and there with their riders urging them on; the dust would rise and mingle with the smoke of the burning grass and brush. They were coming from every direction; so unlike what they were a half an hour previous, when they were first surprised by the Seventh Cavalry for surprise it must have been to them. The only answer was a long wailing blast; it was not what was expected. Emigrated to the United States 1865, settled with his parents in Pittsburgh, Pennsylyania. John Martin agreed, "All the time, as we rode, scouts were riding in and out, and the General would listen to them and sometimes gallop away a short distance to look around.". We did not feel any way alarmed on their account for we felt able to cope with that number. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Original multiverse Peter Thomson has been covering the the environment for more than 20 years and signed on as The World's environment editor in 2008. The supports that were used were short pieces of wood of any kind that we could procure without risk. Wymyka si milicji 29 razy! Click here for Thompson's full account of his experiences at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. The firing on the part of the Indians was very brisk at intervals. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. By this time it was quite dark; I could plainly see several large fires which the Indians had built. He escaped from prison after serving only one month of his sentence. They had undoubtedly been cut down by the Indians during some severe winter when the snow was very deep and the ponies had to live upon the bark, not being able to get the grass. Wishing to have company, I was about to call for him to stop, but happily for me I did not, for I saw the reason why Watson, for such he proved to be, turned aside. The silence was suddenly broken by a loud command given by a hostile chief, which was followed by a terrific volley and a great many of our horses and mules passed over the range. He came to the same conclusion. They went on a crime spree through Louisiana and Florida that included multiple robberies and thefts, and all three participated in the kidnap and murder of Florida State University grad student, Vincent Binder. We followed the trail for several hundred feet, then forced our way through the brush and with our revolvers cocked, lying at our feet and our guns in our hands we waited and watched for their appearance. Some of them were so close to us that their fire was very affective. He was never captured, but DNA-confirmed remains of his skull were found near Del Valle, Texas on September 8, 2014. We found that we had made a mistake and had taken a wrong trail. Likewise, it was certainly not unusual for Custer to ride alone ahead of his men when scouting. Related Goals. He said, "the Indians greatly outnumber the soldiers; while we have been here, we have seen more Indians, twice over the combined strength of the Seventh." Jumping to my feet I saw Capt. Hats off to the leadership & teams at WEF who've had the vision and commitment to make this so. He escaped by crawling through a ventilation duct. Ooops! The heat at this time seemed to be intense, but it might have been on account of my exhausted condition. The question may be asked why we attempted to join our commands after two hours and a half. This was the 26th day of June, a day long to be remembered by all who took an active part, in fact, a day never to be forgotten. Watson said he saw that the stirrup strap was broken off and Jackson without any hat, presented a wild appearance. The Indians while fighting remained mounted, the cavalry dismounted. He escaped from prison and manage to evade the police for a year until he was recaptured in 1999 in. Leonard T. Fristoe was imprisoned for double murder in 1920 of a police Constable and a deputy Sherriff in Nevada. My action would have been justified by the law, as it would have been an act of self defense. With few exceptions, the soldiers performed their duty with great bravery and determination. On looking him over I could see the reason for his sitting and watching as he did. Some of the men, seeing his action, begged him to stay telling him that it would go hard with the command if anything should go wrong with him and to enforce their arguments a wounded man was brought in who needed his immediate attention. I started down the ravine but halted f or I f ound I had not my belt in which I usually carried my pistol having given it to one of my comrades. I thought of the ravine which was cleared by eleven brave men and hoped that I might be able to make my way to the river by that route. Their ammunition was limited. I looked on while the doctor attended the wounded that were brought in. But he never moved. The men only fired where they thought they were going to do execution. I was careful to put in a clean one next time, and calling Watson to remain quiet for a moment, I fired when the Indian was within three feet of his horse. He was initially sentenced to a 30-year jail term for a murder committed during the robbery of a security van in 1997. The men composing the four with myself were Fitzgerald [Pvt. On June 7, 2014, Serge Pomerleau, 49, Denis Lefebvre, 53, and Yves Denis, 35, escaped from a Quebec detention center with help from a helicopter. The odds were against the soldiers for they were greatly outnumbered, and they fought at a great disadvantage. We finally decided to go down the right bank of the stream and see if we could not get sight of Custer's command, and join our ranks where we were much needed. He had managed to make his way under cover of the ravine to the place where I found him. It was a sad, sad sight. As I went down the ravine, I found it got narrower and deeper, and became more lonesome and naturally more depressing. I jerked it from his grasp and passed it on to the next. He escaped but was captured at an airport five hours later. [Note: the accounts of Arikara scouts Soldier and an Anonymous Ree Scout both reported seeing Seventh Cavalry troopers kicking their downed horses just before the battle was about to begin.] Whether he had gone through the village or waded down the stream to reach his command is a question that cannot be answered; but as we had seen no signs of him crossing to the opposite side, we naturally thought that he had made his way down the stream. I peeped over the fallen tree and saw a group of mounted Indians gesticulating, grunting out their words, and pointing towards the advancing cavalry. Ladies and Gentlemen, Greetings to one and all. In addition to describing the valiant actions he participated in, Thompson's account contains a lot of significant detail, such as the fatigue of Custer's men and their horses as they rode into battle (Thompson got separated from Custer because his mount gave out). "All American: A Sportswear Tradition," April 4, 1985-June 29, 1985. What Mockery! Authored the narrative, "Custer's Last Fight, The Experience of a Private in the Custer Massacre" Died December 3, 1928, Veterans Home, Hot Springs, SD, buried at Lead, SD.". About a half a mile further on we came in sight of the Indian village and it was truly an imposing sight to anyone who had not seen anything like it before. I then drew his attention to the orderly manner in which they moved, and the guidons they carried and told him that we better try to join them before they passed us. Peter graduated from their alma mater, General Assembly and is currently based in New York. I asked him how he received his wound. P.O. They must have suspected our intentions. Here, there, and everywhere he thought he was needed. I knew that there were two with General Custer, but I was not sure whether we had one with us here or not. He added, "If they succeed, it will be a sad day with us.". "I will trade horses with you if you will." [Note: August De Voto and an Anonymous Sixth Infantry Sergeant also spoke of white men fighting on the Indians' side at the Little Bighorn. The "problematic passages" in Thompson's first-person account of the battle center on Thompson and fellow straggler Pvt. Not even close. Watson cast a last fond look at his horse and then we started on our perilous journey. Hearing an oath behind me, I looked back and saw my comrade Watson trying to get his horse on its feet. My pistol contained five cartridges, my belt contained seventeen cartridges for my carbine, a very slim magazine as a means of defense. From his decorations of paint and feathers, I judged he was a chief. Assigned to Co. C, 7th Cavalry, under Capt. So fierce did she look that my hand involuntarily sought the handle of my revolver. See Mysteries of the Little Bighorn for more info. Curley and Kanipe both stated that Custer rode apart from his men to scout the countryside after the Battle of the Little Bighorn had started, and the Seventh Cavalry was charging to attack the Indian village at Medicine Tail Coulee, as did White Man Runs Him and Medal of Honor winner Fred Goldin. This ungainly dismount caused the water to fly in every direction. The Map (above) reveals how he escaped the fate of his comrades, told in the eye-witness accounts of Thompson himself, fellow Seventh Cavalry survivor, John McGuire, and an Anonymous Ree scout, possibly Half Yellow Face.. He had his gun in his hand and his eyes fixed on the grove of timber across the river watching for the enemy. The Indians seemed determined to exterminate us if possible. The one that was left stood facing me, still disputing our passage across the river. The officers hearing those bugles sound ordered our buglers to sound certain calls and waited to see if they would be answered. He was then transported in the trunk of a car driven by Camberos out of the town. Kanipe said Custer was "gone two hours. There are 600+ professionals named "Peter Thomson", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. [Note: this is an interesting observation -- the first description I know of by a white of the "stationary wheel" technique which allowed the mounted, circling Indian cavalry to (1) maximize the concentration of their firepower, and (2) minimize their exposure to American soldiers's fire. That being denied him, he asked permission to take his company and ascertain Custer's position; but he was refused that privilege. 2. A white man capturing an enemy usually spares his life but if captured by hostile Indians, his days are numbered and he is known of men on earth no more. Looking to my right, I saw a ravine and at the bottom of it a small clump of wild cherry bushes. One of them was injured during the escape, and while trying to get back into the prison, he got caught in the razor between the fences. After arriving there I took inventory of my ammunition. 19h. However, the most likely is Curley, who was at the river alone -- as Thompson described -- and he was always fundimentally evasive about what happened there. I then looked across the river at the Indian Village, it was all in commotion. Even as secure a place as where we had formed our breastwork was no longer safe. When about half way up the bluff, I noticed something that made me hesitate. He escaped two times with a helicopter. With open ears and eyes I awaited their coming. McDougal [Capt. We were ever on the alert, but could see very little on account of the underbrush. This gave the savages a good opportunity to close in on us and they were not long in doing so. BUT WHAT ABOUT the "problematic passages" in Thompson's story? I knew I would have to act quickly if I was to save my life, so dismounting from my horse, which had carried me so many miles, I dashed down into the ravine toward the bushes; but the sudden flight of a flock of birds from that point caused me to turn aside and I made a bee line for the pillar of rocks above me. His hand and his eyes fixed on the alert, but could see Little. Well, '' and again asked what was up as secure a place as where we felt able cope... But could see very Little on account of my revolver conditioning, and construction..., we came to some underbrush ; when we slowed down to a walk and how to act and. 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