alex danvers tortured fanfiction

After Alex's memories of Kara Danvers' identity as Supergirl were erased by J'onn J'onzz, her view on aliens completely changed; for example, she was about to kill an innocent alien who was attacking Bobbi Miller (as he believed her to be a member of the Children of Liberty) as he was only defending his home, which forces Kara to use her heat vision to disarm Alex of her weapon. Determined, Alex revealed to Kara and J'onn that she would propose to Kelly. After half of the totem left with Nyxly, the Superfriends took it upon themselves to avoid a lightning storm accidentally created by Beatrice Lahr's machine. After a brief medical check-up at the D.E.O. She stands tall before Kara and finally speaks. When Winn helped activate the portal to Maaldoria, Alex led a strike team to the fortress and arrived just in time to find that Kara and Mon-El were leading the other captured humans to safety. When Kara was 18 she had a baby, but nobody knew. [14] Alex and Kara begins to mistrust the director, until an earthquake traps him and Alex at the D.E.O. revealing that the only way that the Fort Rozz escapees could get back at Kara's mother was through her now. Leo freed them and helped them escape when he freed Ray which allowed him to use his powers. Prompt: Lenas reaction to the headline that Supergirl has her nipples pierced. However, she has a great sense of justice, since when J'onn took the blame for Astra's death, as he did want not Alex to lose her relationship with her adopted sister, knowing it was wrong, she eventually confessed to Kara her role in Astra's death despite her fear to lose her. General Information Alex and Ruby bonded throughout the day, in which Alex got a text from Maggie, asking about her passport that she left at her place, Alex pointed out to Ruby where she believed it to be and she was right. uncover an alien asteroid, composed of an emerald-green Kryptonian xenomineral whose radiations weakened Kryptonian's physiology and, despite he asked J'onn to destroy it, the martian refused, deciding to keep the meteorite as a means of protection against other Kryptonians, enraging Superman and leading to the pair falling out. Eventually Winn was convinced by Ray and Leo to attempt to get to the portal, in which Alex and Sara teamed up against the Nazi's. Family Later, they went to their prime suspect's home, only to see him being kidnapped by few unidentified people in a van. But you, you Kara Zor-El, Lena leaned up to peck Kara on the nose, You pulled me from the waters and saved me, time and time again. The Superfriends managed to motivate everyone to rise up against the villains. Truth is: She's all of them. [45] Taking the advice, Alex asks J'onn J'onzz to prepare for her a protective suit. When she returned home, she told her ordeal to Kelly, who suggested that if she was going to act as a super hero, Alex might as well dress as one. I own none of these characters (maybe the kid's names). After a few months, Kara comes b note: * on titles means nsfw content Alex is a courageous and independent person, who faces danger head on. He explained, that they found three Morae children, and after learning of their camouflage ability, they were trained to become invisible assassins. into a force for an alien war, and that she was more focused on discovering Supergirl's identity than protecting Earth. Sorry, I'm really bad at summary's. Sentinel and the Superfriends confronted Lex and Nyxly for the Destiny Totem. [22], When Superman flew to National City, Alex immediately noticed that there's some tension between him and J'onn, so she tried to find out what happened and discovered that Superman has once helped the D.E.O. Alex apologized to Kara for what she did.[63]. Alex and Kara are immensely happy to see each other again. [62], The Superfriends were concerned that to save Esme they had to deliver the totems, but Alex was the only one destined to take that risk for her daughter, despite Kara trying to convince her. Alex admitted to her mother that she works at the D.E.O. However, they returned to National City to help stop Myriad, consequently receiving a pardon. This memory hurt Alex so much that she repressed it for years, consequently not coming out as a lesbian until much later in life. In order to capture her, Alex, J'onn and the DEO staged a robbery in which Reign arrived to kill them, but when they revealed themselves she hesitated, this allowed the DEO to use their advanced weapons to capture Reign, in which Alex placed a chain with kryptonite on hjer, but she resisted it and broke out and used a whip that was used on her to snap Alex's leg. IM COMPILING THEM HERE :D Somehow, Lena finds herself comforting Kara after a messy breakup and Kara's opinion on the subject seems to change. After Kara obtained the totem, Alex and Kelly decided to adopt Esme. set a trap for the Hellgrammite with a truck carrying tanks of DDT, while Alex and Henshaw along with several other D.E.O. [52] Later, Alex and Kelly decided to adopt an alien girl named Esme from the Hochschild's group home. [3] At some point in junior high, Alex came down with chicken pox. Her stubbornness and determination makes that even "Hank Henshaw" decides to help them. "Oh, hey." "Are you okay?" "Yeah, why?" "You've been. [66], In 2031, Alex attended Eobard Thawne and Iris West-Allen's engagement ceremony alongside Team Flash, Ryan Wilder, Ryan Choi, and Marcus. In a hotel at Portsmouth, Alex gets even more nervous, since she worries, will she be a good mother. [30], After M'gann suffered from a telekinetic attack from the White Martians that left her in a catatonic state, Alex took care of her and informed J'onn that the former was slowly dying. Lena gets hit with a beam that causes temporary amnesia, resulting in the loss of all of her memories. hired her, Alex soon proved herself as one of the best agents, quickly becoming "Hank"'s second-in-command. Ruby then admits to Alex that she is being cyber-bullied, refusing to allow this, Alex had Ruby take her to the girl and pretended to be an FBI agent, and scolded the girl for cyber bulling. Alex has to go to work, so she leaves Kara with Lena. Alex arrived to the wedding where she and Kara talked until Sara arrived who asked if Alex was okay after falling out of bed, thus revealing their interaction to Kara. Then she told Alex, she understands how it feels to keep part of yourself locked away, and confirmed her support for Alex and her feelings towards Maggie. That night, Alex found Maggie at Al's Dive Bar, she apologized for how she behaved insolently when considered that she was gay, but Alex said that she could not stop thinking about it and that in the fact could be the truth.[27]. On Earth-Prime, while facing Leviathan, she left the D.E.O. Alex attended Midvale High School, during which her relationship with Kara became frosty as she blamed the latter for her father's death and resented having to be Kara's "earthly ambassador". After the final battle with the Daxamites, Alex tried to console Kara who was forced to send Mon-El away due to poisoning the atmosphere with lead to send the Daxamites running. Alex Danvers is the first main character of. The Jarhanpurians suddenly disappeared, thanks to Querl Dox.[46]. At the Tower, Alex nursed Silas and learned the origin of Phantoms and how Brainy knew what a "soul" was. i think about this woman and imagine fake scenarios with her every night so. Soon after, she and the team returned to the Tower, planning to find the seven totems before Nyxly does. Upon thwarting the Daxamite invasion, she proposed to Maggie, but they broke up over whether or not to have children. Metallo then knocked them all out again in which they were all taken to Earth-X except Kara. Broken, a supergirl fanfic | FanFiction Danvers' House in Midvale Eliza Danvers looked at the letter from the doctor's office. After again saving the day and stopping a bank robber, she discovers her teenager self is one of the criminals. The Danvers sisters in Jr. High school. The next day, despite having survived two previous attempts to her life, Lena Luthor, attends to the ceremony to renaming the Luthor Corp into "L-Corp", however, at that moment she began to make her speech, several explosions take place on the site forcing her to flee to a safe place, but John Corben dressed as a policeman, stops her and tries to kill her at the behest of Lex Luthor. Young Alex with Kara and Kenny talk to aliens. Maggie and Alex the morning after they slept together for the first time. Alex warned against harming her sister, to which Overgirl reacted with amusement, stating that her own sister tried to kill her. Which means its Supercorptober! Kelly calms her down, and by asking, what Kara would do, Alex gets the courage. They get very into character. What will happen when she has to take care of the kid? Podr Kara seguir adelante an con el recuerdo de lo perdido? [47], Alex and the team found Silas White and questioned him about how to get into the Phantom Zone to save Kara. So the three o Who is she? After awaking on Earth-X, Alex and the group met Ray Terrill who revealed he was in prison because he loved the wrong person, this worried both Alex and Sara due to their sexuality. When she and J'onn were working on the amulet, Mxy wanted to help them, but the duo refused the imp's help and secretly spoke that it was wrong to see Mxy without using her magic. Despite Josie's protests, Alex reported this to the authorities. Biological Information Alex Danvers is the only biological child of scientists Eliza and Jeremiah Danvers. As a result, Alex soon began to devote nearly all of her time towards her work. [10], Over the years, the bond between Alex and Kara became so strong that neither of them can imagine their lives without the other. However, Kelly goes with her to Portsmouth. Will Lena finally tell Kara how she feels, or will she let the unexpected guest sweep Kara off her feet instead? After she learned that the appetizer they're eating is actually snail eggs (which cost $100 a spoon) she spits them out in a napkin then starts to question him about what were the aliens looking for in his laboratory. Alex cannot deal. Language: English Words: 659 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 1 Hits: 0 Dama en la octava fila by Riga_Miglio Supergirl (TV 2015), Supergirl (Comics) Mature Alex, Kara, and J'onn try to stop a lightning storm. [3], At first resentful of that "strange girl" who came into her life for constantly following her around at school and embarrassing her in front of her friends,[7] Alex soon began to warm up to Kara and acted as her big sister, often comforting her when she was afraid or sad. Back at the Tower, J'onn cried before Alex about how much he loved M'gann and feared for her life, causing Alex to remember that J'onn literally had a piece of M'gann's soul; they devised a plan to give that piece to M'gann after she lost hers becoming a phantom. When Maggie arrived, Alex told her that she couldn't see her as Supergirl had gone missing and that it was her fault. Alex came out as a lesbian after falling in love with Maggie Sawyer. databases, she could not find data on him. Alex arrived with Kara to Lena's office and met with Brainy, who had reacquired all of Kara's evidence about Lex's scheme. In the evening, they infiltrated an underground National City fight club hosted by Roulette, in which the aliens are forced to fight to the death for the money. When she did, Alex and Kara couldn't see her, but Brainy breathed water vapor on window, and Nia wrote "Shelley Island" on it, as it was Lex's base for captured aliens. As Astra overcome the Martian, claiming she would give him an "honorable death", Alex stabbed Astra through the back with a Kryptonite sword, killing her. During the fight, James and Ben used the Harun-El extractors on each other, and took out their superpowers. Kara and Alex went to get James and then head to the island with Brainy. Original multiverseD.E.O.Superfriends(in secret)New multiverseD.E.OSuperfriends(in secret) She had a close friend keep the baby for her to keep her ray of sunshine safe. Alex gets a call from Brainy, and she goes to the D.E.O., where she sees that Ben Lockwood took all the experimental Harun-El serum. 6 aos despus, Kara conoce a Lena Luthor en una entrevista. The two complied. Kara is shocked when she sees the pianist in the video and even more so when she gets a reply. However, after Supergirl found out the new address in which Roulette was to host the battle, Alex and Maggie organized a police riot and arrested the woman who, anyway, managed to get released thank to her friends in high places. Alex teamed up with M'gann M'orzz, who shape-shifted to look like Supergirl, to be a distraction. Alex's interactions with Maggie show a more flustered, awkward and almost goofy side of her personality, similar to that of Kara. Lena Luthor had always had a weakness for powerful women Kara is sent away after Agent Liberty seeds the air with Kryptonite. After the battle, Alex was walking to J'onn's office with Kelly. The next day, Alex discovered from Winn that James is the Guardian and agreed not to tell Kara, then she approached Maggie, who had gained a warrant for the arrest of the Guardian, and asked her to stop the hunt for the vigilante, telling her that they are not looking for him, without revealing any further details. Kelly tries to calm her down and suggests that she stops drinking, much to her annoyance. Alex returned to D.E.O. Looking deep into those emerald eyes, struggling against the inhuman grip around her throat and searching for a hint of mercy from what she can now see is a woman. After Kara and J'onn discovered about Project Morae, Alex joined Kara and J'onn at the house of General Alphonso Tran, who was the commanding officer of the project. The next morning, Alex wore Eliza'a name tag to steal dysporium from her mother's workplace for "Brenda's" craft. Lena Luthor is a 40-year-old divorced Omega, who now has 2 kids, Ashley and Natalie, who blame her for their parents marriage ending, and have a bad relationship with Lena because of this. They then all returned to Earth. After Silas was caged, an alert was issued by the police stating that a phantom was attacking citizens; before the Superfriends could arrive, Prime Phantom had scratched M'gann and had escaped. Suddenly, an assassin begins firing at them, causing them to run for their lives. who needed her back at the base, telling Kara that she'd call her. Alex and Kelly discuss about VR's morality. The DEO is tipped off about an unknown As a teenager Alex Danvers had a one-night stand, which ended in an unplanned pregnancy, the father wanted nothing to do with alex and the baby. She leaves behind a heartbroken Lena who finds out she is pregnant. Despite Brainy confirming no one was at an address outside the city, they decide to check it out but are attacked by the mind controlled aliens, and Alex is unable to work her Martian weapon. Alex came down the aisle to meet Kelly and the girls finally got married. Read on about Supercorp and Danvarias as they tackle saving the world and raising kids. What happens when youve been pining after your best friend for far too long? since Kara arrived, Eliza expected Alex to protect her, often leading to a fight when she didn't. 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