On the very day of Cromwell's death Henry married Catherine Howard (c. 15201542). The English colonies, especially in the South, would later establish a plantation economy, producing chiefly tobacco and cotton, that relied heavily on the use of African slaves. . When King Philip III died in 1621, the decline of Spain was becoming more evident. The majority of Moriscos were farm laborers, though many worked in trades such as the silk and leather industries. Although the revolt did not end until 1648 with Dutch independence, the Spanish had many military victories in the Netherlands during Philip's reign. At the time of his death, the French crown was six million livres in debt. Francia. In addition, Charles would inherit lands in Burgundy (a region of France) that belonged to Maximilian I, and he was in line to become Holy Roman Emperor. Like Ferdinand, they also feared that he would be more interested in expanding Habsburg territory and becoming Holy Roman Emperor than in ruling Spain. Question 9. Germany In 1587, even before the Armada could set out, the English seaman Francis Drake (c. 15401596) launched a surprise attack on the Spanish ships, which were anchored in the port of Cdiz, Spain. He proved that Columbus had landed nowhere near the Indies but instead had discovered an entirely new continent. Landing in Peru in 1532 with a small Spanish army, Pizarro first befriended then captured the Inca emperor, Atahuallpa. Both Katherine The Hundred Years' War was the outcome of disputes between the ruling families of England and France, the Plantagenets (pronounced plan-TAJ-eh-nets) in England and the Capetians (pronounced keh-PEE-shehns) in France. Territory that is now France was invaded by tribes from Scandinavia (Norway, Denmark, and Sweden). He frequently attacked his father's ministers, including the duke of Alba, with a knife. In 1585, Alessandro Farnese (15451592), the duke of Parma, surpassed the military skill of even the bloody Alba when he captured the great walled town of Antwerp (a city in present-day Belgium). Eventually feudalism (a term derived from the medieval Latin word feudum, meaning "fee") spread throughout Europe and served as a unifying institution for all aspects of life. Philip brushed his reservations aside, insisting that only a man of Medina-Sidonia's stature would be obeyed by the captains of the Armada ships. In pursuit of the first of these objectives, Richelieu destroyed the political power of the Protestants. By this time pandemonium had broken out in England, and Elizabeth's advisers urged her to prepare for the impending attack. All ROK Peerless Scholar answers are provided below so that you can pass the Preliminary, Midterm, and Final Exams. The pope also gave Ferdinand and Isabella the authority to convert the people of these new lands to Christianity and to govern them. Purchasing the works of Italian painters Michelangelo, Raphael, and Titian, Francis also invited some of the finest Italian artists of the day to come to France. The Spaniards' worst fears were realized when Charles's political advisers arrived in Spain. T o F, the rise of the Ottoman Turks' empire between the thirteenth and fifteenth century and more. In 1429 the country was dramatically energized by Joan of Arc (c. 14121431), who was known as the Maid of Orlans. Question Posted by Guest on May 8th 2020 Last Modified: Apr 15th 2021 France and Germany were both once part of what Kingdom? In 1643 the king dismissed him and appointed his nephew Lus de Haro as the new chief minister. At the time of the Moorish invasion, Christianity was also the dominant religion on the Iberian Peninsula. Even more ruthless than Corts was Francisco Pizzaro. Louis's son, King Charles VIII (14701498; ruled 148398) then married Anne of Brittany (14771514) and merged Brittany, the last remaining But Medina-Sidonia made a fatal mistake on the night of August 7. Below the lords were vassals (knights), who held smaller amounts of land awarded to them by lords. When the Armada began moving up the English Channel in early August, the English main fleet took advantage of a favorable wind and made three assaults on the Spanish ships. Charles had firmly consolidated Their adviser was Toms de Torquemada (pronounced tor-kay-MAH-thah; 14201498), a Dominican monk (member of a religious order founded by Saint Dominic). Although the fiercest fighting over African colonies would not occur until the eighteenth century, English and French expeditions managed to take control of various slaving stations along the coast of Africa. A new royal house, the Tudors, began with this marriage. Those who did not confess their sins or undergo genuine conversion were severely punished or executed. For instance, he threw a servant out of the window when the young man crossed him. . After the battle at Ceuta, Henry became obsessed with gaining access to exotic markets in Africa. They established a line of strong monarchs that lasted for eight hundred years and elevated France to the status of a major power. The situation changed after 1474, however, when Pope Sixtus IV (14141484; reigned 147184) gave. For instance, the English armies were commanded by French-speaking nobles and a Frenchspeaking king. Marco Polo. But in May 1527, Charles's soldiers made a massive assault on the city and caused extensive damage. ." lasted one hundred years. In the 1300s he had left a record of his journeys to the faraway lands of China (then called Cathay), India, and the Spice Islands. Merovingian Kingdom. To take on his duties as emperor Charles had to move to Aachen, Germany. Shortly after becoming king, Henry enacted a pro-Spanish and anti-French policy. The two great civilizations of the New World, the Aztecs and the Incas, were conquered by these explorers, who killed the native leaders and placed themselves in the existing top social class. A: Greek . Henry and Margaret fled to Scotland, where she continued her opposition to the house of York. Driven by increasing prosperity, the emerging powers of northwestern EuropeEngland, France, and the Netherlandsdecided to invest in exploration. These estates had been given or bequeathed (granted in wills) to monks by religiously devout men and women in exchange for prayers for their souls after they died. Attempts were made to colonize Virginia, the territory in North America named in Elizabeth's honor (she was called the "Virgin Queen"). This feat would not happen until 1488 when the Portuguese seaman Bartolomeu Dias (c. 14501500) rounded what he called the Cape of Storms (known today as the Cape of Good Hope). quasi-independent province, into royal lands. In one year alone, Francis had spent 5.5 million livres (the French unit of currency at that time) on the war. Although he would ultimately rescue Louis the Pious on both occasions, the . 1 France And Germany Were Both Once Part Of What Kingdom? At first all went well for Francis. The Muslims lived across the Strait of Gibraltar from Portugal, at the port city of Ceuta. The ships did not set sail again until July. conspiracy to assassinate Elizabeth in 1586 led to Mary's execution at Fotheringhay castle in 1587. Storm after storm seemed to come from nowhere to pound the galleons as they desperately tried to sail around the British Isles. As he rode from Edinburgh to London in 1603, shortly after becoming king, he was met by a group of Puritans (members of the Anglican Church who advocated strict reforms). The Jews therefore welcomed the invading Moors in 711. Soon Catherine, like Anne Boleyn, was found guilty of adultery; she was beheaded in 1542. A brutal campaign against the Waldensians demolished twenty-two towns and killed four thousand people. The siege has often been called the "German Fury" because the majority of the marauding soldiers were German Lutherans. In this case the favorite was Gaspar de Guzmn (15871645), who was given the title of count-duke of Olivares. to France. Hudson's expedition wound through the strait and into the huge bay, now in upper Canada, that now bear his name. At first the Capetians' control over the other duchies of France was mostly in name only because many were semi-independent kingdoms. In fact, in 1614 he dissolved Parliament, then ruled for seven years without one. His excuse was that he was forced to sign the document at a time when he could not think clearly. Many Moriscos paid considerable sums of money to Catholic Church officials so they could stay in the country. In 1534 French navigator Jacques Cartier (14911557) joined the search for a Northwest Passage to China. France and Germany were both once part of what feudal Kingdom? Alba initiated an extremely repressive policy. Since 1066 the English had controlled rich agricultural areas in France, and the two countries had often fought over these territories. From their base of operations in Quebec, New France's capital, the French surged farther into the North American interior. After Hudson's expedition, most of the major exploratory work in North America was done on inland water routes by the French. Rise of Kingdoms is a game for iOS and Android with which you can enjoy the whole experience of a strategy game at your fingertips. The group Young Italy advocated for. Francia. In 1568, at the height of his Dutch troubles, Philip experienced several other misfortunes. Moorish architects renewed cities with intricately decorated mosques, lush gardens, and paved streets. The German artist Hans Holbein was Henry's court painter, and the English scholar Thomas Elyot was one of his secretaries. Although aware of This move shocked and offended most Christians in Europe, even many of Francis's longtime supporters. In 1554 he formed an alliance between Spain and England by arranging for his son Philip II (15271598; ruled 155698) to marry the Catholic English queen, Mary I (see "England" section previously in this chapter). France and Germany were both once part of what Kingdom? . The pound rose as much as 0.9pc to well above $1. For instance, Philip argued that he, as king, should be able to appoint bishops (officials who head church districts) and make governmental decisions without the consent of the pope. The destruction was so great that the invasion was delayed for a year. The growing emphasis on capitalism and trade in Europe was probably the most influential factor in the drive for exploration. Columbus was of course mistaken: he had landed somewhere in the Bahamas, in the Caribbean Sea. The marriage contract stated that Ferdinand and Isabella would rule their own kingdoms and that Aragon and Castile were not to be merged. Jews became highly influential in Spain from the tenth through the twelfth centuries, a period that is often called the "Golden Age" of Jewish history. Becoming the king of Bavaria in 825, Louis the German gradually extended his power over all of Carolingian Germany. Less than fifty years after Gama's discovery of the eastern route to Asia, trade between Europe and the ancient lands of the Orient was controlled by Portugal, a small kingdom that was more than a year's journey away from Asia. At the beginning of the Tudor era the religious houses owned as much as one-fourth of all land in England. Francis corresponded with the Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus and sponsored a royal lecture series that supported promising scholars. In 1521, after Charles had become Holy Roman Emperor, he summoned Luther before the Imperial Diet at Worms, a meeting of representatives of states in the Holy Roman Empire held in Worms, Germany. Questions 1 - 5 are on a 15 second timer, questions 6 - 10 are. The feudal system had been used in France by the Normans from the time they first settled there in about 900AD. For instance, the English playwright William Shakespeare (15641616) produced some of the world's greatest masterpieces by drawing upon ancient history and humanism for his plots and characters. French explore inland water routes Nearly sixty years later, and farther north, Henry Hudson (died 1611), a British captain sailing for the Dutch, led his expedition in search of the Northwest Passage. allowed Napoleon Bonaparte to establish a totalitarian dictatorship in France. The final push for Italian unification came in 1859, led by the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia (then the wealthiest and most liberal of the Italian states), and orchestrated by Piedmont-Sardinia's Prime Minister, Count Camillo di Cavour. Francis issued a list of banned books and established a court to punish heretics. But there's a lot more work than simply choosing the best nation - and . Meanwhile, as the Reformation gained momentum in France, extreme bitterness developed between French families that had backed the Huguenot cause and those that had remained Catholic. Francis died of gout and liver disease at Rambouillet, France, in 1547. Henry had named a large council of regents to rule England until Edward was old enough to be king. More nations are being added in the next updates. Protestant leaders looked to the queen's half-sister, Elizabeth, as a possible Protestant replacement. . Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library. In fact, most of the major exploratory work in North America was done on inland water routes by the French. During the wars, both France and Spain formed complex political alliancesin fact, they were even fighting on the same side at one point. In 1492, after conquering this last outpost of Moorish rule in western Europe, they annexed Granada to Castile. When Ferdinand died in 1516, Charles was named king of Castile and Aragon, becoming the first official monarch of a united Spain. They had used the borrowed money to bribe imperial electors, the voting representatives who selected Charles as emperor. The second war of German unification was the 1866 Austro-Prussian War, which settled the question of "smaller" versus "greater" Germany. When Essex returned to England, Elizabeth reluctantly withdrew her patronage from him. Long years of fighting Habsburg wars in central Europe had depleted the Spanish treasury, despite gold and silver shipments from the New World. Five years later Mary, who was now near death, named Elizabeth to be her successor. When the Renaissance began in the mid-fourteenth century in Italy, Europe was divided into hundreds of independent states, each with its own laws and customs. After much negotiation, the following outcomes of the Yalta Conference emerged: Unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, the division of Germany and Berlin into four occupational zones controlled by the United States, Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union. The Italian Wars began in 1494, when Charles was asked by the Sforzas, the family that ruled the city-state of Milan, to join them and Swiss mercenaries in seizing Florence from the Medici family (see "Milan" in Chapter 2). Mary Tudor (15161558; ruled 155358) took the throne as Queen Mary I in 1553, after Jane Grey's nine-day reign. Encyclopedia.com. As the Renaissance moved north of Italy in the fifteenth century, northern and central Europe was even more fragmented. One of his first acts was to execute 270 people who had been involved in the Comuneros revolt. These people would thus profit from the continuation of the Reformation. Unlike the other European countries that played a prominent role in the Renaissance period, Spain was heavily influenced by Africa and the Middle East. In 1567 Philip introduced the Spanish Inquisition in the Netherlands and sent Fernando lvarez de Toledo, duke of Alba (c. 15071582), to crush the revolt. Frederick was married to James's daughter Elizabeth. Spanish forces led personally by Charles took La Goletta (now Halq al-Wadi), a seaport town in northeast Tunisia. Revolts broke out as soon as the king left the country. Once a Dutch presence had been established in the Spice Islands, ships commissioned by the Dutch East India Company assaulted Portuguese ports from the Indian Ocean to China. Protestantism now reached its highest point in English history. The term "feudal system" is used by historians to describe a social-political structure which was a key feature of medieval Europe. The king also established completely new policies that would appeal to Spanish pride. First, he wanted to distribute taxes throughout the country and, second, he wanted to abolish privileges given to certain provinces. Each house used the image of a rose to represent itselfa red rose for Lancaster and a white rose for York. Half of the Armada was lost and so was Philip's dream of making England into a Catholic province. The great abbeys (churches connected with monasteries) were suppressed one by one in the next few years. These requests raised a question about rights to sea routes. Yet Elizabeth is best remembered for her accomplishments, such as strengthening the Anglican Church and keeping government finances stable. He included a note suggesting that the Samuri use the body parts to make himself a curry (an Indian dish with spices). Here, you can find the complete list of all questions used for the Preliminary, Midterm, and Final Exams. His advisers also needed to pay back a loan of 850,000 florins (the Italian unit of currency) they had received from Jacob Fugger (14591525), a wealthy German banker. They also declared that Spain's foreign policy must promote Spanish interests and that the Cortes should meet every three years. They did not share a collective identity or a common culture. Although the secretary had seen slaughter and bloodshed during Irish wars with the English, he reported that he had seen nothing like the carnage that awaited him that autumn day. Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. Henry stated in his will that any of his three childrenEdward, Mary, and Elizabethcould succeed him to the throne, even though his daughters had earlier been declared illegitimate when he divorced their mothers. The execution of the Catholic queen was a signal to Philip that he must seize the throne of England. Learn more. When Louis died in 1515, Francis became king. James's reign was troubled by his insistence upon ruling by divine right (the concept that a king is chosen directly by God). English seamen rushed home from all over the globe to defend their homeland for their beloved Gloriana (the nickname given to Elizabeth). The destruction was so great that the Spanish invasion was delayed for a year. The following month Magellan was killed in a skirmish with the island natives. The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic era. Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library. other religious establishments of the Roman Catholic Church were also considered fiefs. Spain had often attracted the attention of people from North Africa as a promising new land. France allied with the Protestants and against the Austrians and the Spanish. Determined to avenge the defeat at Novara by taking Spanish-held Naples, the young king personally led an army into Italy. In fact, only the Dutch had any success in attacking European empires in America. 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