33:45). It is first connected with darkness and chaos (Gen.1:2). And He is inviting us in with a warm smile and a hand held out in the air, as if to say, Come. Peter was able to concentrate for a short period of time. For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. 31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and took hold of him, and saith unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? (Consider a mother instructing her child to take out the trash: the tone of voice may be sufficient to compel the youngster to do the chore). In summary: Jesus established the New Covenant and important signs thereof and linked it directly to the Old Covenant celebration (Passover). In Isaiah 57:20, the sea is said to represent evil because its continual waves stir up filth and dirt (see also Ps. Doug Ponder is pastor of teaching and discipleship at Remnant Church in Richmond, Va., and a content editor for the International Mission Board. Jesus had waited until the boat was as far from land as possible, when all their hope was gone. According to Matthew chapter 27 verse 27, Jesus instructed them, Take a deep breath and go for it!It is, in fact, I.Dont be intimidated. (NIV) Peter said, Lord, if its you, tell me to come to you on the sea, and Jesus encouraged Peter to do just that, which Peter gladly accepted.While walking on the sea, Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and saw only the wind and waves, which caused him to begin to sink. 33 And they that were in the boat worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God. It is true that the disciples were scared because their hearts had been hardened as a result of their failure to comprehend the loaves. He does not let us drown for a little while until we get our act together. We no longer have to be terrified of what may happen to us if we face the storms in our lives front on!We can no longer be concerned when the devil uses individuals to discourage us since we are no longer in danger!All we have to do now is keep our eyes set on Christ and continue to gaze forwardHes right there with the wind, waves, and everything else. 711).In contrast to this, the signs Jesus performs are loving and restorative rather than horrific and punishing in nature (John 6:2, 11).Next, in Exodus 12, we have the institution of the Passover, as well as an allusion to the Passover in John 6:4, which are both references to Jesus.Following this, Israel traveled in the desert, and Moses prayed to God for guidance on where he could obtain enough food to feed such a large number of people (Num. In contrast to Mark, John does not mention Jesus instructions to the disciples to cross the lake, but rather credits initiative to the disciples to do what they are familiar with.Then, when they found themselves in difficulties, they were delighted to invite Jesus into the boat, and they arrived at their destination almost swiftly.The story of John can inspire us to pay attention to how Jesus is at work in our lives.Also, if we dont receive instant instructions, we should stick with what weve already been informed until we do receive them.Finally, when we find ourselves in danger, we should put our trust in Jesus, knowing that he will see us through to the other side. Had they been waiting by faith, they would have known Him instantly. Jesus committed no sin, either before orduring His suffering (cf. Author, coach, and speaker Danielle Bernock is an international award-winning author, coach, and speaker who specializes in assisting individuals in embracing their worth and healing their hearts through the power of Gods love.A Bird Named Payn, A Bird Named Payn, Loves Manifesto, and Because You Matter are among the books she has authored, and she also hosts the Victorious Souls Podcast.Danielle has been a committed disciple of Christ for many years. However, He still could not keep his fear at bay in order to stay afloat. It was such a remarkable difference that the disciples exclaimed Truly you are the Son of God. The only fitting response to what they had just witnessed was to acknowledge and glorify Jesus as the incarnate I AM. The story is recounted in Matthew 14 and illustrated in this Gustave Dore print. 15:19). The amazing thing is that in faith Peter started walking on the water toward Jesus. The hymn It Is Well with My Soul by Horatio Spafford begins, Whatever Satan buffet / though tribulations approach, / Let this blest certainty control: / That Christ has respect for my helpless position / And has bled his own blood for my soul. Edward Motes poem My Hope is Built on Nothing Less says, When darkness obscures his lovely face / I rest on his unchanging grace. [18], In recent scholarship, Bart Ehrman has championed the view that in general, it is impossible to either prove or disprove supernatural events such as miracles using the historical method, for proving them would require belief in a supernatural world not amenable to historical analysis, and disproving them would require historical evidence that is usually hard to come by. 329 views, 25 likes, 5 loves, 29 comments, 6 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Living God Tabernacle -God's Spoken Word Evangelism: 2023-01-22 SUNDAY SERVICE _"IF YOU ARE BORN AGAIN, WHERE IS. Jesus said one word, "Come," and Peter took a step out of the boat without sinking (verse 29). As the Passover Lamb (John 1:29) and the One who leads His people safely through dangerous waters (John 6:1621), Jesus is true source of our deliverance. Jesus Walks on Water Bible Story Study Guide. 4:89; Luke 4:57), Jesus doesnt reject the connection to Moses. Some of Jesus followers are fishermen who are accustomed to being on the Sea of Galilee at the time of his death. Had Jesus been moving, his gait may have been a clue. 27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. (NIV). John's Gospel specifies that they were five or six kilometers away from their departure point. Not so in John. Then he said to the group: Hey guys, sorry I was late, but why did you all go without me? Like the account of the feeding of 5,000 people, this is both amazing and terrifying. It's easy for us to see other cultures or communities doing this; it's difficult to see ourselves doing it. Probably inert. 157 views, 3 likes, 4 loves, 3 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Mora Grace Lutheran Church: Music used with permission from CCLI All rights reserved. It also reveals the heart of Christ to me! Christ ascended 40 days after His resurrection. It is, in fact, I.Do not be alarmed. When he joined them in the boat, the wind began to drop down.Mark 6:49-50 is an example of a parable.Because He needed to go to the other side of the lake, the quick answer to the title of todays devotional is: because He needed to get there! phrase walked on the water was used, the minister corrected people Only John's account has their ship immediately reach the shore. as events with deep symbolic resonance. "Jesus Walks on Water Bible Story Study Guide." There is, however, another incident that occurred in the sea that people confuse with the miracle of walking on water. events with deep symbolic resonance. [24] Rudolf Bultmann pointed out that the sea-walking theme is familiar in many cultures. For this reason, in John 6, Jesus is revealed as the One who brings about the genuine freedom of Gods people from enslavement to sin, the certainty of death, and the fair judgment of God, which is the true exodus. An further allusion to the chapter from Job. Why Does Jesus Walk on Water in the Bible? Luke C23 V46, "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.". But Christianity is not a deist faith; it is a theist faith. But I want to ask you a tough question. 23 And after he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into the mountain apart to pray: and when even was come, he was there alone. Then he jumped into the water. Be brave and do not be scared. And as he got into the boat with them, the wind stopped blowing.And they were completely taken aback, for they had no idea what was going on with the loaves, and their hearts had hardened (Mark 6:44-52).Mark begins with a matter-of-fact demeanor, but by the conclusion of the chapter, he has shown surprise. [12] David Cook and Craig Evans note that "of little faith" is a somewhat common expression in Matthew (e.g. In Matthew and Mark, the crossing is then followed by a miraculous healing in Gennesaret (Matt. 9 Christians You Don't Want to Sit Beside on Sunday Morning, 7 Ways Anxiety Dominates the Christian Mind, 7 Tests to See if Your Worship Is Truly Christian or Pagan. For it was the Fathers good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven. Meaning of Jesus Walking on Water. What then? The episode occurs shortly after another miracle, the feeding of the 5,000.This event convinced the 12 disciples that Jesus is indeed the living Son of God.Thus, the story is extremely significant to Christians and the basis for several important life lessons that govern . !) The miracles of Jesus are miraculous deeds attributed to Jesus in Christian and Islamic texts. Jesus walking on water is one of the most well-known stories in the New Testament. As a result, you are not bound by any natural rule since you are the Creator of nature! [17], Scholars who hold that the story records actual events do so on the basis that Jesus, as Son of God, was above the laws of nature; or, in a variation, that Jesus projected an image himself while actually remaining on the shore. Careful readers will note that the words translated It is I (. Please enjoy the archives. Lord, save me! he cried out in desperation. The same Peter that sunk in fear, and later denied Jesus three times (Matthew 26:31-35), is the same Peter that started the church in Jerusalem (Acts 2:14-42). Thus the reasons for the lack of recognition. After feeding the 5,000, Jesus Christ sent his disciples on ahead of him in a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee. As a Christian both orthodox and evangelical I affirm the historic creeds the rule of faith which we have received from the beginning. 11:1), doubting Gods ability to give what He promised to provide (John 6:52; see Ps. / In every high and stormy gale / My anchor holds within the veil. 19:13). They may intellectually begin to understand that He is the prophesied messiah, but they do not yet know that Jesus will lay aside His divine power in order to die on their behalf (Matthew 27:32-56). Because Jesus desired the people who were following Him about to think that He was the Son of God, he went to such far as to kill himself.The only way to do this was by the performance of divine trickery, sometimes known as miracles.Because of this, He performed every miraclein order for us to realize He was real!He would have been easily dismissed as one of the most insane guys who ever lived if it werent for the miracles He performed.It is His ability to do miracles that distinguishes Him as God in the flesh!His miracles were so impressive that He even warned the legalistic Jews who were attempting to stone Him, If you dont accept what Im saying, at the very least believe me based on my miracles (see John 10:31-39). Jesus is the true source of our escape since He is the Passover Lamb (John 1:29) and the One who guides His people safely across hazardous rivers (John 6:1621), among other roles.And we know He is capable of doing so because Christ has shown Himself to us.During the most difficult time of their ordeal, when they were terrified by the fury of the sea and the apparent certainty of death, the disciples overheard Jesus declare, It is I; do not be terrified (John 6:20).Do not be scared, Moses instructed the Israelites on the eve of the Red Sea crossing: Do not be terrified. Remain steady and watch for the Lords redemption, which he will bring about for you today (Ex.14:13).2 This implies that we have nothing to be afraid of as long as God is with us, as He is in Christ Jesus our Lord. God the Son Incarnate: The Doctrine of Christ by Stephen Wellum. If we had an undamaged, clear videotape of the incident, Rather, He entered into our humanity to show Himself as the true bread of life (John 6:35). : essays on Christology, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jesus_walking_on_water&oldid=1133982716, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 January 2023, at 12:30. These passages shed light on the meaning of Johns vision that the sea was no more in Gods new creation (Rev. As recounted in Matthew verse 27,Jesus told them, "Take courage! Matthews narrative goes into greater detail about the scenario than the other two accounts.They had all finished their meals and were satisfied, and the disciples collected twelve baskets full of broken bits that had been left behind.In addition to women and children, there were around 5,000 males who participated in the meal. [13], Cook and Evans also echo Pentecost's interpretation that the detail regarding "many stadia away" and "battered by the waves" were intended to emphasize that Jesus could walk on the water far away from the shore, on a rough sea, thus establishing his dominance over nature. We dont have to guess what it is, which is a relief.Because, while all four Gospel authors mention the feeding of the five thousand, only John tells us when this miracle occurred, i.e., around the time of Passover (John 6:4).And this is his key to understanding the significance of all that follows. 6:15 Jesus therefore perceiving that they were about to come and take him by force, to make him king, withdrew again into the mountain himself alone. Belief in Jesus does not leave us unfazed or unchanged. Here are some other blogs you may also enjoy: Red Letters with Tom Davis Recent prayer post on Prayables Most Recent Inspiration blog post Happy Reading! He didnt swim out and stand on a sand bar. After seminary, I came to disdain such interpretations, thinking that they had missed the true meaning of the text. Yes, he walked on water, stilled the wind, healed and restored. How Many Times Does Jesus Talk About Hell? / His oath, His covenant, his blood, / Support me in the whelming flood. But why? Walking on water, which is recorded in three of the Gospels, was performed immediately after Jesus miracle feeding the 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and two fish, which was recorded in two of the Gospels (Matthew 14:17).More than anything, however, it was the revelation of Jesus walking on water that convinced His followers that He was, without a doubt, the Son of God, and that they should follow Him.Jesus revealed that He was in charge of the natural elements, which is something only God is capable of doing. Derrett, 1981). O'Connor's dazzling first novel tells the hilarious and disturbing tale of Hazel Motes, a young Georgia man whose obsession with God leads him to run from God as fast as he can, only to crash head-on into the wall of Jesus and religion. / When all around my soul gives way, / He then is all my hope and stay (My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less by Edward Mote). He cared for their spiritual need of salvation as He showed Himself as the great I AM, and cared for their physical need to be saved from a tumultuous storm. 23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. But he straightway spake with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid. In addition to being Jesus closest buddy, John was also known as the disciple whom Jesus loves. Many things he observed and documented that the others did not were picked up on by him.What do you think youre seeing here?After the people witnessed the sign Jesus performed, they started to speculate, Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world, as if Jesus were the promised Messiah. (Matthew 8:2). As evidence of His divinity, He demonstrated it to His disciples, who replied with a confession of confidence in Jesus as God: And as soon as they got into the boat, the wind stopped. And they in the boat prostrated themselves before him, proclaiming, Truly, you are the Son of God. (Matthew 14:3233; Mark 10:3233).Keep your eyes and ears fixed on Jesus, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey, and you will be OK.Let us fix our gaze only on Jesus, who was the source of our faith and who will bring it to completion (Hebrews 12:2).Photograph courtesy of iStock/Getty Images Plus/MajaArgakijeva. There are accounts of this event in three Gospels Matthew, Mark, and John but it is not included in the Gospel of Luke. Theism not deism. As Peter later writes to the persecuted church in 1 Peter 2:9: "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for . / His blood, His oath, His covenant, / Support me in the whelming flood. However, like with the last lake-miracle (Matthew 8:23-27), the disciples are in a precarious situation and are afraid when they see Jesus approaching them. Wow, what a privilege it is that you have chosen me to be alive today!Right now, I am lifting up everyone who is reading this, and I am addressing you specifically.I would appreciate it if you could assist them in comprehending just how large you are.Help them comprehend that you were the one who came up with the concept of gravity in the first place.It was your thinking that established the fundamental law of the land! The New Testament Bible story of Jesus walking on water is one of the most widely told narratives and key miracles ofJesus. One step off, and she began to drown. [14] Cook and Evans note that the "Lord Save me" cry of Peter is similar to Matthew 8:25 and Mark 4:38 in the calming the storm episode and again emphasizes the reliance of the disciples on Jesus. The third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. (Moses could only draw water from the rock, while Jesus could draw wine from the rock, the stone jars; see Ex. Yet when Gods enemies attempted to follow them, God brought the same sea that He had stayed from the Israelites back over Pharaohs army (Ex. Storms, on the other hand, might rage for days on end with no sign of abating. At the height of their trial, when they were fearing the wrath of the sea and the seeming certainty of death, the disciples heard Jesus say, It is I; do not be afraid (John 6:20). However, when he saw the tremendous wind and the waves, he became afraid and began to sink into the water. As Paul writes in Romans 1:4, Jesus "was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead.". However, when the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were startled and said, Its a ghost! as they screamed in terror.Take comfort, it is I, Jesus said directly to them when they had heard him say it.Be brave and do not be scared. And Peter said, Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the sea, indicating that he believed it was. Peter cried out to the Lord, and Jesus immediately reached out his hand to catch him. Hades or Sheol was seen as the place of the dead with three areas or compartments: (1) the abyss or tartarus, the place of confinement for those demons who sinned in the days of Noah; (2) torments, the place of suffering for . Restoring faith after a lapse: When Peter got off the boat, he had excellent intentions, but his faith began to wane as time went on. Strobel also argues that the resurrection is the best explanation for the fact that Jesus' tomb was empty on Easter morning. Thus, the story is extremely significant to Christiansand the basis for several important life lessons that govern how believers practice their faith. All of this has no bearing on my view of the mechanism of creation. [9], This event is also seen as a divine fulfillment of words of Job, Who alone spreadeth out the heavens and walketh upon the waves of the sea, Job (9:8). Kenda Deans newbook is called Almost Christian: What the Faith of Our Teenagers is Telling the American Church []. In his resurrection, Jesus was "vindicated by the Spirit" ( 1 Timothy 3:16 ). (Matthew 14:31; Mark 12:31).After that, they went onto the boat, where the storm had subsided.All of the disciples eyes were wide open and riveted on Jesus, as if they couldnt believe what they were seeing for the first time!And theres Jesus, all alone in the middle of the room.I believe He was beaming from ear to ear the entire time. My daughter stepped off into a still lake and immediately began to sink, but Jesus took off from the shore into high waves and gusting winds. Weathering the storm with Jesus: As soon as Jesus entered into the boat, the storm subsided completely. In the past, I have seen some theistic evolutionists act, well, kind By this time, it was dark, and Jesus had not yet arrived to join them.There was a strong wind blowing, and the water became choppy.At about three or three and a half miles into their row, they noticed Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water, and they were frightened. 34 And when they had crossed over, they came to the land, unto Gennesaret. As Christians we believe that Jesus was born with a mission and a purpose as the very embodiment of Israels God, our God. Jesus fled to a mountain by himself once more, this time knowing that they meant to come and compel him to become king by force.He and his disciples descended to the sea, boarded the boat, and set sail across the sea to the town of Capernaum as the evening arrived.It was already dark, and Jesus had not yet arrived to meet them on the road.The sea got choppy as a result of the heavy wind blowing at the time. [22], Finally, there are scholars who regard the story as an example of "creative symbolism", or myth,[23] which probably was understood by a part of the audience literally and by others allegorically. The people on the lake, however, thought he was a ghost when they saw him wandering about on the water.They screamed because they had all seen him and were afraid of him.Immediately, he addressed them and encouraged them, saying, Take courage! Evangelical I affirm the historic creeds the rule of faith which we have received from the beginning as far land! A truth thou art the Son of God deist faith ; it is connected... Up on a sand bar to being Jesus closest buddy, John was also as! Step off, and Jesus immediately reached out his hand to catch him that people confuse with the of. And said, its a ghost oath, his Covenant, his blood, Support... Christian: what the faith of our Teenagers is Telling the American Church [ ] were scared their. 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